
Corrinne Brownhill / Comments

Corrinne Brownhill
Corrinne Brownhill  (about 12 years ago)
Fungalpunk's review of STP's gig http://www.fungalpunknature.co.uk/FUNGALPUNK/REviews/28May12S&G.html
Corrinne Brownhill
Corrinne Brownhill  (about 12 years ago)
The one, the only Stu Taylor has agreed to do an interview he he he- most excellenti!
Corrinne Brownhill
Corrinne Brownhill  (about 12 years ago)
It has finally happened folks - 2 sick monkeys have now been interviewed and it was as brilliant as you would expect it to be... which is brilliant! ;-)
Corrinne Brownhill
Corrinne Brownhill  (about 12 years ago)
The almighty Fungalpunk has agreed to an interview in August!
Corrinne Brownhill
Corrinne Brownhill  (about 12 years ago)
An interview in Total Bloody Chaos! Read for yourselves how the band lives up to their name as they talk about early years and song writing... and how easily they get side tracked into talking about Dobbin Spice and other such stuff! http://tartanpen.blogspot.co.uk/
Corrinne Brownhill
Corrinne Brownhill  (about 12 years ago)
TO THE ATTENTION OF DRUUMERS: ‎800 DRUMMERS NEEDED! Stick it to MS Guinness World Record attempt on Sunday 15th July @ EventCity, Manchester. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150731368483791&set=a.10150508651658791.377624.559068790&type=1&theater