
hippie1960 / Comments

Chris DeMarco
Chris DeMarco  (over 15 years ago)
Hi! Thanks to friends like you I'm ranked #4 of rock artists from Georgia on the ReverbNation charts!! Cheers, Chris
Chris DeMarco
Chris DeMarco  (over 15 years ago)
Hi! Stopping in to see your ReverbNation page and am glad to note that you still have a few of my songs on your playlist. I've posted several from the new CD that you might like to add... Merry Christmas! Chris
Chris DeMarco
Chris DeMarco  (over 15 years ago)
Hi Brenda! Thanks for your support on MySpace as well as here on ReverbNation! You are a great friend! Cheers, Chris
The Talismen
The Talismen  (almost 16 years ago)
Hey Brenda How are you? Hope all is well! Have a great Labor Day holiday Peace & Love Paul & Chris The Talismen
hippie1960  (almost 16 years ago)
Hey guys! Have had LOTS of Dr. appt.'s this week, and more to come next week. It's all cool though. I know everything is going to be okay! Mine will be a quiet Labor Day weekend...just my cat Ember & me. Hope you and your families have a WONDERFUL holiday! Peace & Love, Brenda
The Talismen
The Talismen  (about 16 years ago)
Hello Brenda Great to see you on Reverbnation! Thanks for being a friend! Memorials made by man Brave enough to take a Stand Memories mindful of a Time When someone had to Draw the line Stand guard now eternally For those kept in posterity Reactions have not been in vain Remember each and every name Defenders proud With no regrets The heart remembers What the mind forgets The call was made Beyond and Above The price was paid for Peace and Love The Talismen
Chris DeMarco
Chris DeMarco  (about 16 years ago)
Hi! I am so happy that you've got my songs on your song list. Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot. Chris, Atlanta, Georgia
hippie1960  (about 16 years ago)
Hey Chris!! You're very welcome! It's a pleasure to have your songs on here! I really do like your music, so I want to share it. Wish I had a car so I could join your Street Team! I'd make sure to get your music out there! But, this is one way to do it, so I'm glad to help out. It would be cool if you could come here during our UFO Festival. It's a really big deal. We've had some pretty good entertainment at times; but for the most part, it is Mexican music...don't get me wrong... I have nothing against it, but it would be nice to have some Rock and Blues for a change. We have this one Metal group "Hemlock" that even though they have signed with a major record label and have toured Europe, they LOVE playing in Roswell. And they only charge a few dollars for their concerts because they know that everyone can't afford some of the ridiculous prices that concerts are now. My daughter, grandson, and I went to Ozzfest in '06 in Albuquerque, NM and it cost, if remember correctly close to $200. Yeah, we had awesome seats, but water was $2 a cup, etc...And they put Ozzy on second stage! I'm only 5' tall, so I couldn't see him, because it was standing room only! Same thing when my sis & I went to see Styx and The Scorpions a few months ago. The Scorpions were nothing compared to when I saw them when I lived in Arizona. But even without Dennis DeYoung, Styx more than made up for the Scorpions. Sorry Chris...didn't mean to talk your ear off! I have the gift (or curse depending on who you ask) of gab! Take care! Peace & Love, Brenda