
Daniel Ayala / Comments

BLACK LUNG  (over 12 years ago)
I was a little evangelical (;\m/;) I wanted to share with you my music being a little maturer I think very differently I want you to be happy in life the peace of mind you need to live happily infernal evil hails my friend passions that make life fun and meaningful We all have different thresholds for what is acceptable in various social contexts dont forget to stop on by and say hello and leave us a comment (...\.............. /... ) .\....\........... /..../ ..\....\........../. ../ ...\.../; ¯.|.¯`\.../... .../... |....|....|(¯`\ ..|.....|; ¯.|; ¯.| \. ..\ ..\......` ¯..¯; ...... / ...\_._ ........... _. /Horns Up! \m/ Real Bone Chilling Death Metal That Will Terrify your soul Keep On Thrashing! Ava Santana's