
Tenebris Vera / Comments

Joey Stebanuk
Joey Stebanuk  (almost 14 years ago)
Nice to meet you Clan and I'm thrilled to have discovered your music , I can also say the same to you as you have to me. Great atmosphere , spiritual,sincere, honest, true art ! The musical world needs more of what you offer ! I'll be visiting your page more than once !!!
Brienni  (almost 14 years ago)
Great stuff! I love the feeling behind your music, and the feeling it creates! Good stuff right here :)
joyless  (almost 14 years ago)
i'm addicted to "Dark Rift", beautiful minimalist track! :)
5t31th  (almost 14 years ago)
the new track is pretty sick, it reminds me of getting arrested though haha
Tenebris Vera
Tenebris Vera  (almost 14 years ago)
Rofl... Now that was an unexpected side effect. Should I put up a warning label? - lol Glad ya liked it. I'm putting some ideas together for a collab effort with ya. I'm thinking I we can conceptualize the theme and message as to what we want to drive home, then I will try to lay down a nice beat for you with a good vocal cadence, that will draw some powerful visualizations. Sound like a plan? Let's brainstorm on it... Talk to ya. - Peace
Leinender  (almost 14 years ago)
Your music set a very authentic "dark" atmosphere, "Reverie Echoes" is excellent!
Clear Air Turbulence (Collective) UK HUB
Clear Air Turbulence (Collective) UK HUB  (almost 14 years ago)
We're so happy you founds us ;o) C.A.T
PhaseShift180  (almost 14 years ago)
Love the swirly fx & atmos on "Dark Rift." Nice sequences & beat programming ;-) Keep it up!
Tenebris Vera
Tenebris Vera  (almost 14 years ago)
Thanks a bunch man, I appreciate the feedback from an artist far more experienced and accomplished. I am loving every minute of this work and I don't plan on letting up. Peace, Veritas/Aequitas. - Clan Brujah
Stefan Dibell
Stefan Dibell  (almost 14 years ago)
Atmospheric tracks ! :)
Tenebris Vera
Tenebris Vera  (almost 14 years ago)
Heya Stefan, Thanks for the props, I really appreciate it. Real new to the scene and I can use any feedback I can get. I have found few things as rewarding as the creative process and completion of this work and I'm loving it. Heres to nowhere to go but up aye? I will be dropping in to check out your work and you'll be hearing back from me. Thanks for the comment and becoming a fan. Take care, be well. Veritas/Aequitas
uncle Momo
uncle Momo  (almost 14 years ago)
loving your tracks and your design of the skull very skill-full, glad to see you at the number one spot!!
embryonik  (almost 14 years ago)
i like the vibe of 'the moment'. in my mind, it would be ideal for a film like 'betty blue',