
David Luong / Comments

James Sinor
James Sinor  (about 10 years ago)
Greetings from Las Vegas! supporting independent music, great job! God Bless James 

Steve Zuwala
Steve Zuwala  (about 10 years ago)
Dropping by to show support and wish much success with your music. Have a great evening. Steve Zuwala
David Luong
David Luong  (over 10 years ago)
Hi friends, I've now added my second Reverbnation site. Click here to hear more of my songs on the second site: http://www.reverbnation.com/davidlewisluong
The Gospel Starlights
The Gospel Starlights  (almost 11 years ago)
Wow! What awesome music you have! Its very soothing! God bless!
Rich Pulin Musical Family
Rich Pulin Musical Family  (almost 11 years ago)
Jazz Artists, Will You Help A Hungry Homeless Dog? * I have commenced a jazz radio program on jamcityusa.com Last night was our seventh program and the reviews were just great! I plugged Reverbnation, because I dig the site! A little background regarding 'Rich Pulin Musical Family, and our relationship with Reverbnation: In the approximately 19 months that we have been with Reverbnation, we have climbed, in a 'minority' category (jazz), into the top 1/100 of 1% of all members. Of course I'm doing the show to promote jazz (something that I've been involved in for well over 50 years) and the artists (like my band) who create the music. We have another reason for doing this show! We spent the best part of the last year in Panama on assignment! While there, we discovered that Panama does not euthanize homeless animals, like we do in the US...that's the good news! Unfortunately, these poor animals have to fend for themselves and are seen daily searching for something to eat! My wife, Kristin, and I walked around the town we lived in, and fed these unfortunate pups..we did the best that we could! We're back home now, but our hearts are in Boquete Panama with the dogs! We're trying to receive donations to get a regular food shipment going over there...would Reverbnation help us in trade for some quality spots on my show! Also, we'd like to feature Reverbnation jazz artists from time to time. Would your company underwrite inclusion of jazz artists from the site on our show, with the understanding that the money would be directed to help the Panama Pups..... Thank You for your consideration! Rich Pulin, on behalf of Rich Pulin Musical Family, and 250-300 Panama Pups in Boquete Panama..... 818-570-6050 PS THE SHOW IS ON TUESDAY'S FROM 6-8 PM (PACIFIC) 7-9 PM (MOUNTAIN) 8-10 PM (CENTRAL) 9-11 PM (EASTERN)
David Luong
David Luong  (almost 11 years ago)
Hi friends, welcome to my music page. When you buy my music here, 50% are donated to charity. Please lend a helping hand to those in need.