
Leaders And Kings / Comments

The Fabulous Del Counts
The Fabulous Del Counts  (over 11 years ago)
" My Next Move " fantastic track.
Spencer Joyce's Open Bar Band
Spencer Joyce's Open Bar Band  (over 11 years ago)
These tunes ROCK!!!!!!!! Tunes like 'Scarecrow' and 'My Next Move' need to be in the iPods of children worldwide! ROCK ON!!!!!!!
Mystikjipsy ™
Mystikjipsy ™  (over 11 years ago)
Very awesome music! Thanks for being a fan, fanned you back. :) Also, please follow me @mystikjipsy & "Like" me at www.facebook.com/mystikjipsy. I don't have a follow/like back phobia. Many blessings to you and have a successful 2013! ♥ M.
frankygoes  (over 11 years ago)
My newest song Symdelia, the 3rd preview from next album Not Natural http://www.soundcloud.com/frankygoes/symdelia-in-the-sideral-spaces I imagine this music flowing as soundtrack movie like in big cults Blade Runner, Escape From New York, Pulp Fiction and so on... you can hear there an heavy Pink Floyd influence too It's my first composition showing absolutely no changes in the drums part and the +10 minutes duration drives to the obsession !!! Please share if you can, rate +1 on Google Plus and LIKE on Facebook :)
Eva Rivera-Ferrell
Eva Rivera-Ferrell  (over 11 years ago)
Hola!! Playing your music right now! "My Next Move" is a great track!! Showing luv and I just became a fan!! How r u? I would love for you to "Like" my photography and music facebook pages and if you have one send me the link and I will press that “like” button as well!! Let’s support each other!! http://www.facebook.com/Ferrell4pt0Photography http://www.facebook.com/EvaRiveraFerrellMusic
Poppa/Street Lyfe
Poppa/Street Lyfe  (over 11 years ago)
Thx stop n by,s/o
Rightup  (over 11 years ago)
enjoying the music here
Potion13  (over 11 years ago)
Thanks for the add! Best of luck with your projects!! Cheers from Montreal, Danielle,Potion13. www.potion13.org
Peter Parker 513
Peter Parker 513  (over 11 years ago)
Hey, what's up? Thanks! I'm “faning” you back. Keep working hard! Like my Facebook page: http://facebook.com/peterparker513 I'm over 6,000 likes, feel free to share music and video links on my wall and I will return the favor! Do the same on: http://Youtube.com/inhisnametv
Benji Martin
Benji Martin  (over 11 years ago)
Thanks for the support, guys. Great sound y'all got there. Keep up the good work!