
Rocky Rogers / Comments

VueJaDay  (almost 12 years ago)
So sorry.. The title was " out of time" my new favorite song but way too short...
Aaron Dozer
Aaron Dozer  (almost 12 years ago)
ArtWhimsically Yours Studio
ArtWhimsically Yours Studio  (almost 12 years ago)
I am enjoying the other worldly sound of this song...Eaten Alive. great vocals, tight harmonies and some kick ass instrumentation as well. Nicely done.
The Argon Room
The Argon Room  (almost 12 years ago)
Gene Swann
Gene Swann  (about 12 years ago)
Very nice and different!!!!
Odayaka  (about 12 years ago)
thx for checkin me out.. you got my support.. all love!
Rocky Rogers
Rocky Rogers  (about 12 years ago)
Hi Guys, If you like "Deadliest Catch" watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC1x2_8kY24&feature=relmfu
KC Daleigh
KC Daleigh  (about 12 years ago)
EATEN ALIVE...beautiful musical composition! ~KC
The Fabulous Del Counts
The Fabulous Del Counts  (about 12 years ago)
" Out Of Time " great job Rocky.
Brigid Mhairi
Brigid Mhairi  (about 12 years ago)
Dear Rocky- thank you for being my fan. I am in the studio recording for the final day of my album recording so am not stopping long. Just to say hello and I appreciate it! Will need to come back when I have more tiiiiiime! :) <3 and peas from rainy Scotland