
Gil Qaneida / Comments

Raven X
Raven X  (over 12 years ago)
Hi Retail...thanks for adding us! We hope you have a great day!!! -Raven X <> facebook - http://tinyurl.com/ravenxfacebook
Bow  (over 12 years ago)
Hi, Thank you for the friendship. Please take a second to add my fan page, it only takes a click:) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Liz-Lohnes/12012275279 Have a beautiful day:)
Dani Dante
Dani Dante  (over 12 years ago)
loving the page, GREAT music! i fanned you & followed you on twitter, please return the favor! :D God Bless xoxo http://www.twitter.com/Danielle_Dante http://www.facebook.com/DaniDanteOfficial
Ashton Haze
Ashton Haze  (over 12 years ago)
Your Retail song is splendid. Wonderful blend of sounds. Cheers man.
Eleni  Mylona
Eleni Mylona  (over 12 years ago)
Great tracks!