
Warfare Recordz / Blog

"Give In Order To Receive"

There are times in our lives where God has to allow us to go through Job situations. These situations are in no ways pleasant, and most of the times we run from them instead of embracing the fact that it's something we must go through. The reason I say that is this. We the children of God have gotten to the point that we won't give properly. We are constantly asking God for more and more but we have yet to release to others what He has already given unto us (myself included).

What we must come to terms with is the fact that in order to be positioned to receive the more we desire from God, we must first give (pour out ),what we already have. While we get full and fat off the richness of Christ, others are dying off because what we have God gave us to pour into others that are crying out to Him for it, but it's so rich we tend to want to keep it to ourselves, which is not healthy for either party. I posted this because God impressed on my heart this morning the fact that in order to gain the more and proceed to the next level, we must first pour out what has already been deposited by Christ from heaven. We have a great commission to go out and win the lost for Jesus Christ, but we must first be in the proper shape and that's only obtained by shedding some pounds which is done by pouring out ourselves to those in need so that in turn Christ can pour more richness in more depth into us.

I pray that this encourages and enlightens your heats as it did mine... Abundant Blessings, and may the worst of your days be the very best that God has for you and yours....

~In THe Love Of Jesus~ Minister C-Minor