

Why choose RGBB LLC Part 2

So let's look at what is considered "Standard" in the music publishing/licensing world (you're REALLY going to want to pay attention to this!!)

PAY ATTENTION Most publishers work with artists for free on the front end but take 50%, or more, on the back end. They make this money by way of what's known as a publisher's royalty and they also typically receive as much as 60% of licensing fees that songs generate. The worst part is along with these standard practices 9 times out of 10 publishers will include a clause with the term PERPETUITY: Webster dictionary definition of perpetuity? An annuity payable forever.. YES, They make money from you and your publishing and or copyright FOREVER!! At those percentages..Standard=You're SCREWED!

For most Artists the ONLY thing you have is your publishing, when a publisher asks you for those percentages that means that there's no room to negotiate a deal with anyone else other than this one person, so you BETTER make sure that if you do sign a contract with them that you know without a SHADOW OF A DOUBT that it's worth it because basically that song is now no longer yours.

Once I asked a publisher "Why stick with standard if you don't have to? Do you mean to tell me that there is NOBODY in publishing out there doing it differently?"

His answer? "That's just how it's done!" I chuckled out loud, politely declined his offer and RGBB LLC was born.

The business model that RGBB LLC utilizes is different than the model of a traditional publisher/licensor because we believe that true artists/talent deserve to make a living from their art.

It makes sense.. a doctor is an expert at what he does and he wants to practice medicine and make a living.. same with a lawyer, a teacher etc.

RGBB LLC is here to offer artists a FAIR and viable way to get your music into the hands of the right people so that "selling t-shirts" and playing at a dive bar that tries to stiff you because you brought in one less person then the required minimum no longer has to be your only option.

Ask us how we can help YOU today.

Why choose RGBB LLC Part 1

We've all been hearing how "The current music business model is DEAD" for quite sometime now. We have seen and heard what this means for "the guys with the suits" i.e Music Executives but what does that mean for Artists??

You can blame on new technology, the economy etc. but the truth is is that Indie Artists no longer have a reliable way to make revenue. The industry says.. "Sell more t-shirts, go on tour" but we all know that the only way that can happen is if you have the financial where with all/backing i.e the money in your pocket- to make it happen.

That's where RGBB LLC comes in..

Did you know that if you work hard at something-anything for 10+ years you are considered an expert? There are many artists who are still operating under the impression that this is the 1960's, you must starve for your art. However, the difference between then and now ids that you could work 1-2 days a week and pay your rent- I'm sure I don't have to tell you that today that's simply not the case.

RGBB LLC was born from the idea that all the blood sweat and tears that you put into making your art should not go unnoticed. Art has the power to change cultures, to change minds, to end wars, to make people fall in love. If you are serious about what you do, you're familiar with the "wake up in the middle of the night and cant go back to sleep until you figure out the arrangement to a new song so you don't forget it" moment.. or the playing the same guitar lick until you get it right.

These things MATTER because the truth is, everyone can't do what YOU do.. YOU are your own best commodity. RGBB LLC believes that If enough of YOU see the power in your art and your efforts this might just be the nail in the coffin of this " broken business model" and it could be given a proper burial and finally be laid to rest.

I can see the headstone now: "Here lies the old music business model- it was good while it lasted.."

RGBB LLC and the future of Music Licensing

Thank you for your interest in RGBB LLC.

Styles of Music RGBB LLC is Looking For

I am primarily interested in working with those who write music that is stylistically contemporary and very well produced. I'm looking for vocal and instrumental music and I'm open to all styles, but it must be relevant to what is currently happening musically. Music that is current and similar to what is popular simply has a much better chance of being used. So if you write music that you think fits into what's currently popular, send it to me! Although I´m interested in all styles of music, I'm especially interested in music that fits into the following categories: Rock, Alternative Rock, Pop/Rock, Modern Rock, Hip Hop, Singer/Songwriters, Indie Rock and Contemporary Folk Rock Ala Sufjan Stevens, Wilco, Electro, Dance etc. I´m also looking for writers that write great instrumental tracks in a variety of styles.

Our Service WORKS FOR YOU! Don't take my word for it, see for yourself!