
Black Diamond Recording / Blog

New Visions and a Different Direction

WHEW! It's been a busy last few months in the studio. Plenty of rehearsals in and even a couple of shows on the books. Most notably, Black Diamond Senior Engineer and founder has decided to bring me (hi!) on as an intern to work on tracking, mixing and room setup so he can focus the majority of his attention to playing, scouting, and producing. Along those lines, we've had some luck finding new bands to come in and use the space. That gives me more experience on the console, and gives the artists time in the studio as well. We're looking to grow our artist portfolio and get as many bands heard (and hopefully recorded) as possible. Music is slowly dying here; good ol' rock is being replaced by countless EDM, hip-hop, and hard core/metalcore bands. NOTE: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! WE EMBRACE ALL MUSIC, AS IT ALL SPEAKS TO SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, AND THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT! NO HATING! We just happened to grow up in the rock/punk/early metal/classic rock era where local venues were playing shows featuring several bands at least 3 nights a week. We'd like to bring that back, especially since there's a whole new generation of kids who need some creative outlet. We've all experienced the sense of accomplishment and pride that comes from creating awesome music, and our goal is to pay that forward. So, there's a lot going on in the studio right now, and we couldn't be happier. Well, we could be...if there was more. Contact us! Send us a message, send a demo, send dates for gigs you've got lined up. We'd love to hear you! Already have albums recorded? That's cool too. Give us a shot. Come play some performance-ready material and let us record a few songs for you. 1-2, free of charge. We think you'll like our vision, our dedication, and our love for artists and their craft. Come see for yourself, meet the Black Diamond family, hear the sound. We can help you turn your ideas into some kick-ass sounds. Coming soon: audio samples of recordings we've done, as well as additional photos of the facility. Everything is changing, we hope for the better. Our passion is music, and we aim to serve artists and help them get their passion to the masses, because all music should be heard. Until next time, rock on!!