
Plush Records / Blog

Great Richmond Band, APACHE RADIO

What really caught me was yes, very cool name, but the music video! It was right in the middle of the page and when I saw it, I just had to click on it! And I swear to you, the best music video I've seen in years! The best part is that these guys are local! FOLLOW THEM!

The Villatones

We've signed our first local band, The Villatones! We are excited about what these guys are going to do in Richmond and beyond!

Looking For Local Bands

In my search for local talent, I have noticed that there are some very talented bands in the Richmond scene. All in different genres and they all have some standout musicians as well. There is one genre that is being looked over in the local Richmond scene, and that is as simply stated, Rock. How, you may ask, could Rock music be overlooked in a city as diverse as Richmond? Well it's out there, let me tell you. And I don't mean heavy metal, metal, heavy rock, hard rock, or glam rock, because those are thriving right now. And there's nothing wrong with that, that's great! But we need someone to make a Rock movement in Richmond. Just good ol' Rock music. Well that's what I've decided to do with Plush Records. We are here to be the Rock in Richmond!