
Timothy Bieder / Blog

Loss of a brother

Its with a heavy heart that I write this...Yesterday my brother in my heart and Downcores frontman Jimi Jaymz left this world to go jam with the greats before him. Our condolences and heart go out to his family and friends.The band will be on hiatus for awhile while we put our bro to rest....but we will be back. Jimmi would have wanted us to go on ...and we will after we get this sad time figured out. " Brother I'm gonna miss ya bad...gonna miss the arguing about the music..and believe it or not I'm actually gonna miss hearing you call me bowlsworth...Rest in Peace bro. Gonna miss you bad".


DOWNCORE LIVE AND STREAMING 3/4/2016 8:30pm Hey Downcore fans.......We've been asked a gazillion times ........ " What do you guys do when in studio? ".... So we thought we'd give you all a inside look this Friday aka tomorrow. Bring up USTREAM on your favorite streaming device...Type in Down Core... Click on it.....You should see our smiling faces !!! Jump into the chatroom and hit us up. Ask questions.....give us your thoughts on our music...whatever trips your fancy !!!! At present time we're working on our new project, so be one of the first to find out what's going on in the lead lined vaults !!!! You might even catch Jimi Jaymz actually working with his guitar doing a few licks....lmao Pass the word and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow night. smile emoticon ROCK ON !!!! ( We now return you to your regular scheduled programming ) \m/ \m/