
LifesLittleTwist / Blog

My First Day

Woohoo my first day being on this site!! Don't know how long this'll last. I'm watching "Smallville" how sad Lana's pregnant!!! Sorry for any spoilers. Aah my parents are at parent/teacher conferences right now I already know what they're gonna say that I'm too anti-social just like last year. Big whoop-de-do if people don't wanna talk to me then why bother making the effort? Darn pics on here aren't working for me they won't let me upload any. Hmmm I'll have to figure that out later. So the main reason for me signing up for this site is Smile Empty Soul. AMAZING BAND (double underline)). Yay I finished my dodecahedron for chemistry!! We had to make facts about lithium (I chose it because of the song by Nirvana) it's all sparkly. I know I'm ADD when I type on the computer. Aah I'm talking to my friend Jed from my old town and he has to write this literary analysis paper that's way better than writing a world history paper. I'm taking AP World History this year it's really hard especially as a sophomore but as long as I pass I won't have to take it in college. I'm 4% from a B!! Then I will finally be ungrounded! I miss being able to go out. I know my boyfriend Sully (yes I'm taken) has missed me we'll have to celebrate. Ooh "Supernatural" can't watch this it's me and my dad's tradition but he's out bowling right now. I started making Christmas lists today for people I'm never going to get enough money unless I raise my grades so I'm allowed to get a job. Tiredness... sickness... Why does everyone have to be sick now? Brian probably got me sick.. Ana's boyfriend. Ana's awesome she listens to punk and alternative. I don't know that many people who listen to metal but if you do that's awesome. Yay I'm going to be editor of the paper next year! My journalism teacher told me so. I miss my old best friend Dianna. We went off separate routes she went the drugs sex & Wiccan way & I went the Catholic non-alcohol & drugs but still sex way. I don't have a problem w/ ppl that make that decision it's just that she made it public to my parents & the adults I know soo I basically had to break off ties. I still miss her tho. Then there's this guy Brandon. He's my ex-bf but also ex-fiancee & still my best friend & a soul mate in some kind of way. I'll talk about him from time to time. He's amazing. But he's been grounded for awhile & since we go to different schools we can't talk. Oh well I've been getting used to it. Then there's my friend Jeff from here too. He's awesome someone to listen to me rant and rave. I don't want to make it seem like Sully isn't important at all. He's the most important one in my life beneath God and my family. Just wanted to make that clear. OK I think I'm almost done ranting. So those will be the basic people I talk about. Then there will be the random people I mention from my high school (it's a Catholic one first time in one I'd always been in public school before) there's about 30 people I know real well so you'll get to know them too. I'll also use this to rant and rave about new music, situations going on in my life since I think I have anxiety problems & a little bit of bipolarness, but we'll see. Hope I find some cool people on here!