
El Extreme "Honking and Shouting" Little Otis / Blog

Salsa Choque

http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/salsa-choque-6416965 Es bien sabido que la creatividad y la innovación musical en Colombia es de resaltar por parte de los artistas, muchos conjugan diferentes instrumentos característicos de un género con los no tradicionales del mismo, dando como resultado una combinación excelente o como decimos en Colombia un “ritmo pegajoso” que gusta a propios y a extraños, recordemos en sus inicios a Grupo Niche que cautivó con su salsa incorporando sonidos del pacifico, hoy por hoy sabemos que representa para la Capital Mundial de la Salsa este grupo musical, recordemos también a Carlos Vives con sus “Clásicos de la Provincia” fue un genero distinto al vallenato tradicional el que nos presento este artista samario, “La gota fría” fue la canción más sonada en su momento, ahora el turno es para la Salsa Choke que también es una propuesta distinta de este ritmo, pues se combinan diferentes instrumentos, ritmos y sobre todo creatividad musical. La Costa Pacífica, cuna de grandes artistas es la “culpable” de hacernos bailar ritmos alegres, “pegajosos” y llenos de sentimientos, la Salsa Choke es uno de los ritmos surgidos de esta hermosa región de Colombia, unos critican esta Salsa y otros simplemente la bailan y la disfrutan, ¿de que lado estar?, pregúntele a su gusto musical. La Salsa Choke poco a poco ha ido conquistado diferentes zonas del país, hoy ya son muchos los seguidores de este ritmo musical, países del exterior también están siendo conquistados por esta Salsa, pues los diferentes exponentes de este género se han encargado de llevarla hasta Norte América y al continente Europeo.

From Ache Sonora:

"El reconocimiento de los Salsa Music Awards con 300.121 votos en manos de ACHÉ SONORA. Gracias a Izzy Sanabria, Luis Chaluisan, Maria Hernandez, a todo el Staff de salsamagazine.com y a tod@s quienes nos apoyaron con sus valiosos votos, su tiempo y su paciencia. A tod@s Muchas Gracias. Aché pa'ti como Aché pa'mi!" Hernan Y Oscar Mejía Rojas

11th Place Top Forty Fan Favorite Salsamagaine.com Salsa Awards 2012 ACHE SONORA 300,121 Votes Bogota, Colombia http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/ache-sonora-6162415 Orquesta Bogotana de salsa profesional que rinde tributo a la buena música y respeta al bailador y a todas aquellos que gustan de la buena melodía y estos ritmos antillanos ejecutados majistralmente. Aché pa´ti como aché pa´mi!

El Extreme "Honking and Shouting" Little Otis
El Extreme "Honking and Shouting" Little Otis  (over 11 years ago)

Esa Va!

Electronic Word

http://blip.tv/wepawebtv-plus/electronic-word-6415694 Featuring Linda Rodriguez and El Extreme Beat Music (40 Love) E-poetry relies on code for its creation, preservation, and display: there is no way to experience a work of e-literature unless a computer is running it—reading it and perhaps also generating it. This “rule” is important for what it rules out: e-books, digitized versions of print works, and other word-processed documents, on- or offscreen. Today all communication is computer-mediated, except for face-to-face encounters and handwritten, typewritten, or letterpress sheets. Print books are made from digital files, as are newspapers and films. Print is but one form of digital output. What is meant by e-literature, by works called born-digital, is that computation is required at every stage of their life. If it could possibly be printed out, it isn’t e-lit.




http://blip.tv/wepawebtv-plus/planet-lovetron-techno-universe-wbgu-88-1-6414179 You that sang to me once sing to me now let me hear your long lifted note survive with me the star is fading I can think farther than that but I forget do you hear me

do you still hear me does your air remember you oh breath of morning night song morning song I have with me all that I do not know I have lost none of it

but I know better now than to ask you where you learned that music where any of it came from once there were lions in China

I will listen until the flute stops and the light is old again

Sir Cough A Lot Broadcasts From The Planet Lovetron Today and every Thursday Via WBGU FM 88.1 noon-2:00 pm EST Produced by: Mr Salsa Izzy Sanabria and Hosted by: Luis Chaluisan (El Extreme) Listen on line at http://wbgufm.com/ noon-2:00 pm

Caminos De La Vida - Junior González

http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/los-caminos-de-la-vida-junior-gonz%C3%A1lez-6413148 "JUNIOR SE NOS FUE CON SUS BOTAS PUESTAS ..Y YO SE QUE LO VOLVERE A VER POR QUE YO LE CREO A DIOS 'JEHOVA'" (Ramonita Parra) Luis Chaluisan "I Had some good times with Junior Gonzalez while I was living with the original Lola Magadalena (not Maria Hernandez but the Exotic Dancer I was involved with more than 15 years). We lived in that circle that was the closest that Salsa had to offer as a rock and roll lifestyle. The Three B's. At the same time he was always respectful of us. It was a particular pleasure to see the fans nominate him and then boost him to the top forty of the favorites after his unfortunate departure from the world. But this scappy man, puro Boricua had the panache to ensure his last effort as a recording artis received its just due. Junior - SIEMPRE HOMMY - de corazon como lo siente tu esposa (Ramonita Parra) "FUERON 12 ANOS QUE TUVE A SU LADO Y YO SE QUE EL LOGRO ..LO Q EL NUNCA PENSO LOGRAR..AUN SIENDO YA JUNIOR GONZALEZ ..Y PARA QUE SEPAS .. FUI YO QUIEN COMIENZA LLAMAR LO JUNIOR "HOMMY"GONZALEZ. COMO SON LAS COSAS LUIS ..EN EL ANO 2011 EN EL COMIENZO ES QUE EMPIESO A SE SU GIRA A NIVEN EN TODOS LATINOAMERICANO Y EUROPA..Y Y FINALIZANDO EL ANO YO LE AGO ESTA PRODUCTION.. Y LUEGO SE NOS VA..Y EL TIENE UN TEMA QUE TE LO VOY A ENVIAR. PARA QUE ESCUCHES ..ES UN PARA PELO..DIOS ME PERMITIO HACER LE ESE SUENO REALIDAD..EL NO SABIA HASTA EL MISMO DIA QUE VENIA SUS COMPAÑEROS ..ANDY , ISMAEL , ALDARBERTO ..EN FIN LOS QUE ESTAN...TE LO ENVIO AHORA.."

October 24 Espiritu Salsa

http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/october-24-espiritu-salsa-6412722 General Outreach Network Sites http://www.facebook.com/izzy.sanabria1 Salsamagazine Network- ESTO ES LA SALSA Y MAS! 1. salsamagazine.com Salsa Awards 2012 http://www.facebook.com/Salsamagazine.comSalsaMusicAwards2012 2. WEPAwebTV http://blip.tv/wepawebtv 3. WEPAwebTV plus http://blip.tv/wepawebtv-plus 4. Mr Salsa TV salsamagazine.com http://www.youtube.com/user/mambohiphop 5 Salsamagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/groups/salsamagazine/ 6. WEPAwebTV http://www.facebook.com/groups/WEPAwebTV/ 7. Mr Salsa On line store http://salsapostersprints.com/

Mr Salsa TV Productions: "The Latin NY Salsa Explosion" http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/the-latin-ny-salsa-explosion-4834381

Hell Billy Interview WBGU 88.1 FM

http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/hell-billy-interview-wbgu-88-1-fm-6412727 El Extreme Speaks With Drummer About Town Billy Stokes (Hell Billy) about his involvement in the BG Music Scene with a variety of musicians, artists and bands Plus Benefits Helping Local Organizations and Veterans.

Public Event · By Amanda Karr http://www.facebook.com/events/498411173511181/ Ryan Szyterski, a previous student of Bowling Green State University, joined the special forces and was sent to Iran. While he was there fighting for his country and ours, he suffered two injuries. First, Ryan was hit in the side with shrapnel; second, he was shot. After these two unfortunate events, Ryan was sent back home only to discover that his mother had been diagnosed with cancer. This series of hard hits on Ryan and his family, I, along with BG Undead and your Fellow Falcon, decided to put together a benefit concert in hopes of pulling the community together to raise money to give to the Szyterski family to assist them with their medical bills and hardships. I am proud to say that, along with BG Undead and your Fellow Falcon, Howard's Club H (210 N. Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio 43402) has generously allowed us to use their business as a venue for our event. There will be bands local to Bowling Green, Toledo and Findlay. I am waiting to hear back from two bands (GOLD - Toledo; Draft Dodger - Bowling Green), but the following performances have been verified: Planet Lovetron with El Extreme (Bowling Green) Midwest Trainwreck (Findlay) Hobo Stew (Bowling Green) The Strong Talk (Toledo) There will also be slam poet performances from three current Bowling Green State University students: Natasha Ivery, Tyler Brewer and Will Bradford Come out and support Ryan and his family, and have a good time while you're at it! Hope to see you there!

The Spectacle of Fear

Multi Media Mix And Words For Performance At Ryan Szyterski Benefit Concert http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/the-spectacle-of-fear-6411275 Executive Producer: Maria Hernandez WEPAwebTV Edited by: Luis Chaluisan Featuring Vintage BW Footage Art Film

Now On Sale!

PLANET LOVETRON ORCHESTRA Live at the Black Swamp Festival Now On Sale! Visit our store http://www.reverbnation.com/luischaluisan roughican CD 681 Executive Producer: Maria Hernandez Produced by: El Extreme and Sir Cough A Lot roughrican productions Bronx USA Recorded Sept 8, 2012

Songs Include: SOMOS UNA BANDA AMERICANA! Funk G Bop Juanito B Malo Para Heny She Got A Big! Part Of U They Call Me The Terror We're Not In Kansas Anymore Boys

THE PLANET LOVETRON ORCHESTRA features original Rock/Funk/Hip Hop Live Music Performed By: Reverend Juan Montenegro, Jazzy Stoked (Female Vocals), Hell Billy (drums), Automatic Maddox (guitar), El Extreme (percussion) For More On The Planet Lovetron Orchestra

PLANET LOVETRON MUSIC HIGHLIGHTS RECORDED AT BLACK SWAMP FESTIVAL 2012 Black Swamp Planet Lovetron Highlights Webisode 1 http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/black-swamp-planet-lovetron-highlights-webisode-1-6344166 We're Not In Kansas Anymore Boys

Black Swamp Planet Lovetron Highlights Webisode 2 http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/black-swamp-planet-lovetron-highlights-webisode-2-6344177 Funk G Bop

Black Swamp Planet Lovetron Highlights Webisode 3 http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/black-swamp-planet-lovetron-highlights-webisode-3-6344184 Part Of U

Black Swamp Planet Lovetron Highlights Webisode 4 http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/black-swamp-planet-lovetron-highlights-webisode-4-6344196 Juanito B Malo

Black Swamp Planet Lovetron Highlights Webisode 5 Mantecadito (Para Heny) http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/black-swamp-planet-lovetron-highlights-webisode-5-6344198

Black Swamp Planet Lovetron Highlights Webisode 6 She Got A Big! http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/black-swamp-planet-lovetron-highlights-webisode-6-6344206

Black Swamp Planet Lovetron Highlights Webisode 7 http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/black-swamp-planet-lovetron-highlights-webisode-7-6344218 They Call Me The Terror

Black Swamp Planet Lovetron Highlights Webisode 8 SOMOS UNA BANDA AMERICANA! http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/black-swamp-planet-lovetron-highlights-webisode-8-6344226

Black Swamp Planet Lovetron Highlights Webisode 9 Los Brujos With Ashley Mullins http://blip.tv/wepawebtv/black-swamp-planet-lovetron-highlights-webisode-9-6344243