
Strive to find the light in the Darkness / Blog

Changes to the top 5.

As I see there are quite a number of songs here, and it can be overwhelming to some, but this experiment is like painting with sound. I am proud of the fact that it is influenced by the constant exposure to good music. My message is this, peace...strength...love...and the willingness to open you mind and follow me anywhere. This is done for the pure and simple joy of creation. If you choose to become a fan, follow, and share this message with the world. Not all who stray from this path are lost. But those who do have my gratitude.


This is a series of 12 songs, that shaped the way I think about popular, classic and modern music. It is dedicated to my mother, who left this earth in 2012. She gave me the gift of music, and the ability to articulate. Three songs as of the date this posts are available as a free download to our fans. The full list is not available, as there are choices to do research on. Thank you for your support.


I have been here for quite awhile. And yet I want all the people who have commented on my profile for quite some time now. I never leave my website on someones comment board. You should use this to encourage one another. I have found so many unique styles of music here. And it is nice to know that even though playing a show would be damn near impossible, I can still reach out and encourage someone else. One of my many hero's of modern music was once asked if he would have been happier if he had become more famous. His response was immeasurable: I think the more famous and successful you become, you become more distracted and it could just keep you from reaching a higher level creatively. Granted, I may be paraphrasing here, but I am sure you get the general idea. Who was this person? Richard Ashcroft. My favorite song of his. Music Is Power. That is all for now.

Why Led Zeppelin is the greatest act ever?

This headline I hope will get someone willing to engage me with some honest talk about bands that leave a permanent mark on the world. If am told fans want to hear more of my opinions this will continue. Ok I am lying, it will continue weather you like it or not. But I am up front about the lie. Why Led Zeppelin is the greatest act ever, and should be required reading for any musician worth their weight in salt. I can give you four reasons why. 1. Jimmy Page. 2. Robert Plant 3. John Paul Jones 4. John Bonham Recommended albums: All of them. But 3, and 4 will hook you for life.

Seeking colabirators for next project.

I have spent five years developing, recording, and promoting this sound. And after recording 4 volumes of material I find that a new approach is overdue. I am looking for musicians who are in it for the pure joy of creation. It does not matter if male, female, black, white, what matters is attitude. Please direct all inquiries to the following email address. T.Cinderich@live.com

Love Hope Strength

Most people would not think that 1.29 could change anything, but when you buy one of our songs here on reverbnation, a portion of the proceeds goes to help fight cancer. This is in honor of my mother, who passed away before she could find the strength to fight it. When you help us, you are not only helping us continue, but you are helping others...and that is what we are all about. Have a safe holiday season, and thank you for your continued support.

We are evolving into something.

Greetings, To whomever reads my blog posts. I don't do this for money...big joke right. This is for the love of creation...Another thought for the day is that we are thankful for all who listen. Even more so, when they take the time to encourage us and share the message of the light with others. I am going through a deeply retrospective period in my life right now, and writing some deeply personal stuff. We wish you all a happy Thanksgiving.

What kind of musician are you?

Do you get the whole picture, or just a riff to go on? Lately it seems like everything is coming at me at once. This whole experiment was started on the basis of simple and pure enjoyment of creation. It continues even at a snails pace at times, Depending on what the real world throws at us. Perfection is the road to insanity. You throw mixes together, and hope it does not sound "thrown together." Music is like a test, you already know the answers to. For every chord, every note, has something that will fit with it somewhere. So yes, we actually have something to say besides music. Thanks for the continued support.

Join US!

We are on a search to find the third member of our group....interested parties should be fluent in the use of a bass guitar. We are from Michigan, anyone interested can contact us through Reverbnation, Facebook, Twitter, Or even search us on Google. We do have offers for gigs...and we would love to bring this material out on our local scene. Contact us! strivetofindthelightinthedarkness@live.com

Out of the Darkness and Into the Light

This has always been a sound experiment. Independant Music. Independant Art. Some paint on a canvas...We paint with sound.