
Strive to find the light in the Darkness / Blog


I am thankful for the last 7 years of creating music for the world to enjoy, or not. It has taught me personally a lot about mixing, editing, and composition. In this age...the machine is your friend. And you know why...for people like me...the machine does what you tell it to do. It does not claim to be the front man. No fronts here, what you hear is from my heart and mind. The machine does not care if you do 80 songs at the same tempo. Sometimes it is just so hard to get out of the grooves. Stick around, and check out the last seven years of progress, and digression. Happy Thanksgiving Todd


Yes I keep submitting songs for different offers, and keep getting rejected. Let's face facts, I am a 41 year old and I have no desire to gig. 7 years of writing ideas, following instincts instead of rules. This is not done for fame or infamy, it is done out of love. So to show my thanks to anyone who might stumble upon our creation I have arranged the top five to be some of the music available for free downloads.


The past weekend was great, mainly because for the first time in a while Mark and I had a long recording session for most of the morning this past Saturday. There is an abundance of ideas in effect. If you look through my discography, you will find the Evolution of light and Darkness, just about every song you find there, you can download it free.


Listening to Howard Stern interview musicians should be it's own live television show. To hear people I have listened to my whole life talk about what inspires them teaches me about their individual approaches to the art of composition. I try to bend and break the rules sometimes, some experiments succeed while others never see the light of the web. 7 years of spare time, what do I have to show? About a 1.58 to be exact. Money is not the end all be all answer to this equation. One song played, let alone bought inspires me to continue. Are you ready for the next seven? As long as I am here, there will be music. WHO am I kidding, feedback would be great. Going to change up the song list, except for the first tune.


There are new slideshows in the works, sometimes you need to use the tools you have at your disposal. And use simple ideas like nature, and your imagination with cloud formations, and bending light and shadows. Very cool stuff coming. Here is the direct url to the first of several. http://www.youtube.com/v/bJGtdboJfJc?version=3

09 29 2014

I guess I did not realize that there was much more from the Music of the Mind sessions, that used to be considered too big of a file. Sometimes you get stuck in the groove. And it never ends. Kind of makes you understand in a real way why composers could drive themselves mad. Well I do have some new ideas brewing, and I must continue my good works. Enjoy. Todd.


So the deal was settled and here are two songs released on sound cloud. But wait, one of them is a free download. Still working on new ideas, all the time. 7 years of throwing ideas together for the pure and simple joy of creation. Thanks to anyone who listens.

Top five songs

The top five songs you see listed here are from my newest collection of songs Addicted to Ambient. Since this is the third collection of instrumentals, I plan on taking some time to find a new direction. Time with me usually means about six months, I still have a number of songs that have yet to be posted here on Reverbnation, and I am creating new ideas in pre-production at the moment. I also have about 1000 photos that may be turned into a new slideshow/video to be added at a later date. Fall is usually a very inspiring time of year, thanks to any and all who find themselves spending time checking out the music, this goes double for anyone who shares and brings more listeners this way. I will update you all on this new creative process via twitter and Facebook.

Mixdown weekend

So there are a number of new ideas brewing, and I should be able to resolve the issue of new content here soon. That being said, I am going to try to go in a new direction next. I have a road trip in the near future and I can see what the road will bring. Hoping to get some good pictures, and video to share with this new content. Continued gratitude to any who listen and share this sound.

Music of the Mind is now available

Look I know it sounds a bit redundant, but Music of the Mind is now available here at reverbnation, but due to the file size, some of them will not be posted here. Maybe I will figure something out.