
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

4.1.18. Jesus Rose..

4.1.18. Jesus Rose.. Today is the day we celebrate the day that Jesus conquered the grave. He rose with all power in His hands. This is a reassurance that there's no greater love than Jesus laying down His life for us. Because He has risen, there is nothing in our life that will ever be impossible for Him to do when we have a faith in Him. Because He lives, there is nothing in our lives that we cannot face. So rest in knowing that Jesus rose and He will always reign over everything. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.31.18. Waiting on Jesus.

3.31.18. Waiting on Jesus.. Today in History the world was in silence because Jesus was asleep. But the next day He a arose with all power in His hands. So with us knowing that, if He can conquer the grave, then what do you think He an do with our obstacles and trials in our lives? There is no doubt that Jesus will see you through when you put all your faith in Him. He will be there and He will give you strength to overcome the most difficult moments in your life. So rest in knowing, that waiting on Jesus will always be for your good when you surrender your life to Him. Have a happy Happy easter weekend. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

3.30.18. What Jesus did on Good Friday..

3.30.18. What Jesus did on Good Friday. This day will always bring me back to the cross. This is the day where Jesus gave His life for all of my sins. That is why I will always praise Him and give Him glory. He also gave His life so that if we believe in Him, we will shall receive eternal life. There will never be a greater love than what Jesus did for us on the cross. So rest in knowing that Jesus loves you and if someone ever tries to tell you anything different just go back to the cross. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.29.18. Always be grateful to God.

3.29.18. Always be grateful to God. There are many occasions in our lives when we take things for granted. Sometimes it's our family, friends and the people who are closest to us. But we must remember that without God's love and grace we would not have the opportunity for these precious moments. We should be grateful to God in all things even through our trials we should thank Him. He alone is worthy of every praise that we give to Him. So always be grateful to God, and rest in knowing that His love for us will never change. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

3.28.18. God knows..

3.28.18. God Knows.. Never think for a second that God isn't aware of your current situation. God is there with you. He will lead you and guide you through it. The key is to never lose focus of Him. Keep your trust in Him and watch Him do the impossible. God knows all things and He will deliver you from whatever you're going through. Practice patience, continue to praise and never stop worshiping Him. He is all you need. So rest in knowing that God will always know.. so let God and you let it go. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.27.18. Gotta keep on doing it for God..

3.27.18. Gotta keep on doing it for God. Often times in this life we get off our path because we are trying to please people. But when we shift our focus on to God everything in our purpose aligns. He knows every trial and obstacle we encounter. The key will always be to trust Him over yourself. Surrendering to Him in tough situations is easier said than done but God's love for you will always prevail. So rest in knowing, that the best way is to always do it for God. So don't get discouraged, keep pressing and know that God will keep you encouraged. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers,

3.26.18. God can use you..

3.26.18. God can use you. Regardless of what gifts you have, don't ever underestimate the power of God. He can take anything and do miraculous things with it. The key is to bring Him all you've got. Use what He's blessed you with and use it to glorify His name. He will elevate your gifts when you worship and praise Him in sincerity. He inhabits our praises so keep pressing forward in your relationship with Him, stay humble and continue to grow in His word. Rest in knowing that God can use you, when you use your gifts for to give Him praise. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

3.25.18. When God calls you..

3.25.18. When God calls you.. There are many situations in life when we go through a separation from what we are accustomed to. But we must remember that when God is aligning our path, it is always best to follow where He is taking us. We should always desire to be where He is. This can sometimes stir up feelings amongst the people we are often closest to. But when God calls you to some place, it is always best to follow His directions. Rest in knowing that God favors those who trust in Him in all things. He will never forsake you and what ever He calls He will be there for you regardless of how big or small small. So press forward and always keep your faith in God. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

3.24.18. Just be patient..

3.24.18. Just be patient.. There are many situations in which we have prayed for something and it seems like it will never happen. But we must remember to be patient and continue to trust God. He will give us what we need in His time. So never lose hope in what you asked for, but while you wait continue to strengthen your relationship with Him. He will never be late and His timing is always perfect. Remember that patience is a virtue and life is much easier when you put the focus on God and not you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

3.23.18. Turn it over to God..

3.23.18. Turn it over to God. Often times we keep going through the same things over and over because we refuse to stop trying to work things out on our own. This is when we should give it God and walk away from it. God will work it out but we must first trust Him and surrender our situation to Him. It is difficult sometimes to get out of our old habits but you'll be glad you did once you let God handle it. Rest in knowing that when you turn it over to God, His solution will always be better than yours. So keep pressing and keep looking to Him to handle your obstacle. Have a fantastic Friday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.