
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

4.11.18. God 's still working on it..

4.11.18. God's still working on it. How many times in our lives have we prayed for something and thought in our minds that God has dismissed it? Most of us have at some point. The key in these situations is to completely surrender to God. Never doubt Him regardless of what may seem to be a denial. His will is always best for us regardless of what we want. Patience is always a virtue and when God is working on it, the best thing for us to do is to praise Him and continually worship and wait. Rest in knowing that the end result will always be great. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.10.18. It's all about God..

4.10.18. It's all about God. Often times in our lives, the enemy attempts to place people in our lives to discourage our journey. But when you're focus is on God, it will never effect you. God will never give you a purpose without the means to accomplish it. Therefore it doesn't really matter what people think, it's what God does. Never expect for your gift to bless everyone but know that when God has ordained it, it will encourage someone. Remember put Him first and go forward. Make sure that you're aligned with His direction for your life. Rest in knowing that when you 're attention is on Him (God) and not them (people) God will always bless you with everything you need to prosper. Have a wonderful day. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

4.9.18. God's already there..

4.9.18. God's already there. Never think for second that God has left you. Every time you walk into a trial God knows it before it happens. The key is to always keep your focus on God. Therefor, when things occur you are already in tune with Him and His word. He is there with you, but you must put all your trust in Him. He always desires to be close to you. Sometimes our life obstacles are designed to bring us closer to Him. So rest in knowing that even when you feel no one cares, God is already there. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.8.18. Dwell in God's grace..

4.8.18. Dwell in God's grace. Sometimes in our lives we ponder about things that are out our control. But we must remember that we serve a God who has all things in His hands. His grace will always be sufficient to every need that we may have. His love will always be more than enough to get us through any trial. So, do your best to constantly dwell on God and His goodness in your life. He won't fail and He will never lose your battle. Have an awesome Sunday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.7.18. God is still providing..

4.7.18. God is still providing. No matter how difficult things may be in your life, God has left you and He is still taking care of you. As you reflect back on your life never forget that it has God providing you meals and protecting your mind and blessing you financially. He will never leave you regardless of what it is that appears to have your life on pause. Continue to praise Him in all things and never dwell in the past. God is a God of progression. So what's ahead will always be greater than what you left behind. Rest in knowing that God will always provide for His children, no matter what. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.6.18. Just let God..

4.6.18. Just let God. How many times have we tried to do something on our own and continually failed over and over again? This is usually because it's a God battle and not ours. When we focus on God and surrender our cares to Him, He will provide what we need. We must also make a note that if it's not His will, there's nothing we can do to change His mind. So in that case we must accept it and keep on pressing forward. There's a reason for every season in your life and the key is to keep your mind stayed on God. He will always know what He's doing and He will always do what is best for you, So rest in knowing everything will be alright if you just let God work it out. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.5.18. God's working it out.. be patient.

4.5.18. God's working it out..be patient. Often times, we find ourselves in situations that we get frustrated with because of our own will to control them. But most times, these situations can only be handled by God. So once we realize that God is the only one that can truly solve our circumstance, we must learn to wait on Him. Keep in mind that there is nothing that He does that is not for our good. So, sit back continue to pray, worship and focus on His word. Rest in knowing that God's working it out and being patient, trusting in Him fully is truly what it's all about. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.4.18. Give it to God.. He'll win..

4.4.18. Give it to God, He'll win. There are many battles and obstacles that come in our lives. The hardest thing to do is surrendering them to God. We try to control every aspect of it instead of letting God fight it. But once you give the situation to Him, trust Him and believe that He is going to carry you through. While you worship and praise Him He will conquer the trial. So rest in knowing that when you give your struggle to God, He will win regardless of what it is. Keep believing and keep pressing forward. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.3.18. Keep believing God..

4.3.18. Keep believing God. No matter what your life status is, never doubt God. There are many uncertainties in this life. But the one thing that you can always count on is God. He will not change regardless of the circumstance and He will always reign over every obstacle and trial that may be going on in your life. His love is more than enough so keep your focus on Him at all times. He will come though but make sure your attention is on Him and not you. So rest in knowing, doubting God is never an option but believing in Him is always your best choice, Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.2.18. Through it all, you've got God.

4.2.18. Through it all you've got God. There's nothing in this life that God cannot bring you through. If you just continue to trust Him and lean on Him in every situation, you will see that He can't fail. God will give you strength to overcome whatever it is that you feel that you can't handle. His love is everlasting and He is always a present help in times of trouble. So rest in knowing that if God is all you've got, He's more than what you'll ever need. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.