
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

4.21.18. You've got God and it's Ok..

4.21.18. You've got God and it's OK. Often times in our lives we feel that everything is at a stand still. But this is truly not the case with God. We don't always see how He's working things out for our good but we can always trust that He's always doing what He promised. The key during these most frustrating moments, is to continue to stand on His promises and on the word of God. Everything is going to be Ok, but you must move out of the way and let God have His way. Rest in knowing that He's always got every situation in your life under control. So, keep focusing your life on pleasing Him. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.20.18. Just hold on.. God won't steer you wrong..

4.20.18. Just hold on.. God won't steer you wrong. Many times we rush things in our lives instead of waiting on God. Being patient is tough when you're feeling you need something right now. But sometimes we get the opposite result of what we would've received if we just would've been patient and trusted God. The key to holding on is to just surrender everything to God and don't take it into your own hands. Remember God 's timing is always perfect and the more you center your focus on Him, the better off you will be. So rest in knowing that when you pray, praise and worship God while you wait, He will always make your result turn out great. He won't steer your wrong, but you have to hold on. Have a fantastic Friday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.19.18. Be still and know.. God's got it in control.

4.19.18. Be still and know.. God's got it in control. Often times we question things in our lives and wonder, what in the world is going on. But when we focus on God, He comforts us and directs us according to His will. The key is to trust His guidance. We may see many things that we think may be a hinderance to our purpose, but all things will always work for our good when we surrender everything to Him. He will not fail us even when the enemy tries to derail us. So rest in knowing that God's got everything in His control and He will design your journey so that you will reach your destiny. Don't wavier but all your faith in God our savior. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.18.18. God will always prevail..

4.18.18. God will always prevail. Never doubt that God will always have the ultimate control over everything in your life. Often times, we wonder about things and then we realize that no matter what, God will always have the final say. So stop worrying about if God sees the wrong doings of your haters, or if God is going to deliver you from your financial struggles. The key is to keep your faith in Him, regardless of what may be trying to keep your purpose on pause. God will always prevail over every bit of your hell. So keep praising, keep worshipping and continue to grow closer to Him. You'll see that He will perform everything that He has promised in His word. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.17.18. When God's in your movement..

4.17.18. When God's in your movement things happen for your good. Sometimes we may not recognize it at first, and then we reflect back, we realize it was God. He will remove things from our lives that will not propel our purpose toward our destiny. He will also put positive things in our lives that keep us on our path to success. So in all things, keep your trust in Him and never doubt what He is doing. You will see that what He is doing is far greater for you than anything that you will ever imagine. Keep praising Him and always trust His direction in your life. Remember: The best improvement will always be found in God's movement. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.16.18. God will never let you down..

4.16.18. God will never let you down. There are many things in this life that will attempt to take away your joy. Never connect those moments and times with God. Because God will always bring joy, peace and happiness in your life regardless of what may be occurring. There maybe good times and sad times but remember the word of God states that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. So rest in knowing that that when you are down in your spirit, God will always lift you up. Keep trusting in Him and giving your praises to Him. He will never let you down and His love for your life will always be around. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.15.18. Trust God with everything..

4.15.18. Trust God with everything. One the most beautiful things about serving God is that we never have to worry about trusting Him. He has proven over and over again what He can do in our lives when we surrender to Him. The key is not to trust Him in some things, but to put are faith in Him in everything. He has never lost a battle and He never will. So rest in knowing, the more you trust God with everything, the more you'll see that you'll never have to to worry about anything. Have a wonderful Sunday. T ake care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.14.18. Let God guide your journey..

4.14.18. Let God guide your journey. Often times, we make our lives more difficult by trying to control every aspect of it. We have to learn that God has the ultimate control of everything. He will always make the best decisions for our lives when we trust Him. Things always come out much better when we consult Him before we make a choice. There's are no weaknesses in Him and He will never guide us to a place that He will not be there with us. So rest in knowing, that when you allow God to guide your journey, your destination will be worth every step on your way to reaching it. Have an awesome Saturday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.13.18. God is still the same..

4.13.18. God is still the same. No matter what the situation is. God will never change. Today is Friday the 13th and many believe strange things happen on this day. But this is not the truth, God is and will always be in control of everything regardless of what month and day of the week it falls on. He is constant and His love is everlasting. Keep praising Him and continue to focus on His goodness. You will see there's none like Him and He will always be the same regardless of what the world tries to change. Have a fantastic Friday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

4.12.18. Keep pressing for God..

4.12.18. Keep pressing for God. No matter what, never lose your hope in God. He will always come through and His love will always show even during your darkest moments. Continue to strive in your relationship with Him. The closer you are to Him the better off you are. You will see that He will mend you when you are broken, He will lift you up when you are at ground level and He will give you power to over come your life devils. So rest in knowing that when you keep on pressing for God, He will handle your stressing and give you joy that no one or nobody can ever give you. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.