
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

5.11.18. Only God..

5.11.18. Only God.. There are many things that happen in the lives we live. We look back and see that the only way that we could've escaped our situation is God's grace. He's the only one that can provide everything we need at the perfect time. He loves us more than our minds can imagine and He is always working for our good even when we think that our purpose has been placed on pause. So regardless of what it is in your life, rest in knowing that Only God can provide it when you need it any given moment. Have a fantastic Friday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.10.18. God hasn't lost control..

5.10.18. God hasn't lost control. Regardless of what you read in the newspaper or what you see on the daily news, nothing has changed about God. He will always have the final say and He will always have control over everything at all times. So don't get alarmed at what you me see and read just line it up with the word of God. The bible talks about many things that will occur in the last days. Stand on it and keep on pressing for the Lord. Remember that before anything occurs, He always knows about it. So rest in knowing that regardless of how the world rolls, God hasn't lost control. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.9.18. Wherever God is, is where you want to be.

5.9.18. Wherever God is, is where you want to be. There are many times in our lives, we get stuck in situations that are not propelling us in our purpose. We live life day to day with no movement in any direction. We must remember that with God there is always movement toward a destination. The key to getting there is staying in His presence and following His guidance. So when you see things that are holding you back and keeping your spirits down, find a way to get where God is, because wherever He is there will always be liberty. Rest in knowing, that the best place to be is wherever God is. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.8.18. God's holding your hand..

5.8.18. God's holding your hand. How many times have we thought life is too much to handle? But we must remember that God will never give us more than we can bear. He promised to never leave us alone. So we must stand on this and remember regardless of what we may enduring, God is holding our hand through it. So rest in knowing that He is already aware of our situation, and He will never take us through something that He will not be waiting for us on the other side. Have a terrific Tuesday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.7.18. God's grace can get you to anyplace.

5.7.18. God's grace can get you to anyplace. It is always best to be in the will of God. No matter what may be going on in your life, He will always see you through. In the darkest times, God will give you a peace of mind to keep praising Him and trusting Him through every obstacle of your life. So rest in knowing that the grace of God can endure any situation, renew your concentration and relieve your frustrations. Nothing in this life will ever replace, God's grace. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.6.18. God will always restore your smile..

5.6.18. God will always restore your smile. Regardless of what you may be dealing with today, it will not last forever. Always stand on the word of God and it tells us that weeping may endure for a night buy joy comes in the morning. So it doesn't matter what it is that may have taken your joy, God is going to restore happiness. So keep on trusting Him, keep believing in Him and rest in knowing that He is always going to make a way for you. Remember: There's no trial that God can't convert into a smile. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.5.18. God looks beyond your faults..

5.5.18. God looks beyond your faults. Remember God is not like people we know, who holds grudges. He forgives us of our wrong doings when we confess to Him. He will always love us more than we can ever love ourselves and He will always guide is in all things when our focus is on Him. So never get hung up on God not looking past your faults, because He will always see your need. So rest in knowing that God's love for you is always greater than any fault that you may have in your life. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.4.18. Let God lead, as you believe..

5.4.18. Let God lead as you believe. One of the most important things in this life is to recognize God's greatness. Often times we go through life trying to control every aspect and direction that we feel our lives should go. But we must know that when we let lead God, everything always works out much better than we could ever imagine. His direction will always benefit us long term as opposed to just a quick fix. So rest in knowing that as you believe, make sure that you let God lead. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

5.3.18. God's opportunities outweighs your obstacles.

5.3.18. God's opportunities outweighs your obstacles. Have you ever looked back at a situation and pondered how you got through it? Then you realize that it was truly the grace the God. He is the only one that can bring you out of whatever your going through regardless of what it is. God's opportunities in your life, will always overcome every one of your trials. Keep trusting in Him and know that He will give the strength to withstand anything. So rest in knowing that there is no obstacle in your life that will ever be greater than God's opportunities for your life. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

5.2.18. God's love happens everyday..

5.2.18. God's love happens everyday. Never think for a minute that God's love has gone away. You can always find His love in spite of what is going on around you. The fact that you can see, walk, read and think with a clear mind, is God showing His love. So don't get bogged down with all of the negative things you hear and see on a daily basis. Keep your mind focused on God, share His love and praise Him for everything He's doing in your life. Rest in knowing that God's love happens everyday and remember to share it with everyone you meet and see along the way. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.