
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

Day 87 of the 90 Day Challenge

Tonight has been an awesome night with Voices of Praise.. we learned.. I give myself away and Who's on the Lord's side... it was truly a blessed rehearsal. The spirit was in the house and the rehearsal went smoothly. I did not work on any songs tonight from the album but I have been singing them some during the day. I pray your day has been a blessed one filled with amazing things. Take care and stay encouraged..

Day 86 of the 90 Day Challenge

Today has been a exciting day. I found out today that I have 25 downloads from RadioDirectx. I am truly blessed to be getting some spins from over seas. The Lord gets all the praise for he has the plan for me and I am trusting him with all faith to fulfill my goals. I have also written lyrics to Change my mind.. so I am humbly praising the Lord tonight for he is more than worth of my praise. I pray your day has been a blessed one filled with amazing things. take care, stay encouraged and stay inspired.

Day 85 of the 90 Day Challenge

Today has been a blessed day. I have been singing and reviewing my song list and looking for new ideas to finish writing "One Evening and "Change My Mind".. I was truly blessed to talk to my daughter today. She is really focused on living for the Lord and was very encouraging to me about my new adventures and goals regarding my music. The Lord is really moving and I am trusting in him totally. I pray that your day has been a blessed one filled with amazing things. take care and stay encouraged.

Day 84 of the 90 Day Challenge

I have my recording session today with Jordan McCleod of Runaway Productions.. The session went very well we picked 4 more songs and we are still trying to dwindle down the remaining songs for my first album. We had some issues with Protools tonight but I got to hear some new drum edits to "Static" which sounded amazing.. I am truly looking froward to the partnership with Jordan. We are looking at 4 more songs.. I won't stop, Change My Mind, On the inside and One evening... I pray your Monday has been a blessed one. Take care and stay encouraged...

Day 83 of the 90 Day Challenge

I am excited about my recording session tomorrow with Jordan. Today I celebrated my Mom's Birthday.. it was a great time with family today. The Lord has truly blessed me to have my mom as long as I have had her and I will give her flowers while she is here with me. I pray that your day has been a blessed one. I will keep you posted on my sessions and songs that we are working one.. Take care and God Bless you.

Day 81 and 82 of the 90 Day Challenge

Yesterday and today has been days of practicing and working on vocals. The Lord has truly blessed me and filled with his love. He is opening doors and sending a lot of positivity my direction. I am humbled by his grace and mercy. I pray that your weekend has been an amazing one. Take care, stay encouraged and God Bless you.

Day 80 of the 90 Day Challenge

Today I connected with TC Congress of WOGS 103.9 and he has added Situation to his radio rotation. We are planning an interview soon. If you have Tune in Radio on your phone the station is located on this app. I am truly excited about the interview and the willingness of TC to add my music. I will let you know when the interview will be taking place. Take care, stay encouraged and stay inspired. God Bless you..

Day 79 of the 90 Day Challenge

Today I got a quote from Jordan McCleod regarding the equipment I am going to need to get Sounds Like Z Productions off of the ground. It is very interesting and I have a lot of research to do as well as pick a keyboard. I love Yamaha's and he likes Korg's.. so it will be a very interesting process. I am truly looking forward to more music and new sounds.. I also practiced tonight again going through a few songs and just trying to get ready for my session on Monday. I pray that your day has been a blessed one filled with great things,,, Take care and God bless you...

Day 78 of the 90 Day Challenge

I have been practicing tonight.. I have sang though 9 songs that we have selected so far... I am truly seeing some direction in where this new album is going. This process will be slow as the tempos may change as well as the rhythms. I pray that everything is well with you. Take care and stay encouraged.. God Bless you...

Day 77 of the 90 Day Challenge

I had a recording session tonight with Jordan... it was simple amazing there are some really cool drumbeats going on in the music. I am truly blessed to work with him and I look forward to sharing some music with you soon. We picked about 10 songs so far for the project the songs range from uptempo grooves to personal ballades. Please keep praying and claiming the Lord continues to lead us in his direction. I pray that your day has been a blessed one. Take care and stay encouraged.. God Bless you....