
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

11.28.18. Let pleasing God be your goal..

11.28.18. Let pleasing God be your goal. Often times we set goals for our career, our finances and material things. But we must never forget, that our ultimate goal should be pleasing God. He alone can give you the desires of your heart when your focus is on Him. Continue to praise Him, trust Him and dwell in presence. You will see that He will provide everything you need and more when you do His will. Rest in knowing that when you please God, He'll please you. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

11.27.18. God's favor outweighs your naysayers.

11.27.18. God's favor outweighs your naysayers. No matter what you are doing in your life, always trust in God. When you put all your faith in Him and place Him at the beginning of all things, He will favor your life. Blessings will come in all directions when you are doing your best to please Him. So don't get discouraged when people tell you that you can't accomplish something. Just know, that with God, all things are possible and He will always have the final say over everything in your life. Keep your head and keep on pressing toward your God given destiny; Rest in knowing, that God's favor will always outweigh everyone of your naysayers. Have a terrific Tuesday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

11.26.18. God is in your storm..

11.26.18. God is in your storm. Never think for a second that God leaves you alone in tough times. He is there with you and you can always rely on Him. Often times our storms is what what draws us closer to Him. So while you're going through them, continue to trust God and focus on praising Him. God will take you away from the stress and give you peace and rest. His grace and mercy for your life will always be enough to get you through any obstacle you may encounter in this life. So rest in knowing, that God is in your storm and He will protect you and shelter you from all harm. Have a Magnificent Monday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

Rhonda Prock
Rhonda Prock  (almost 6 years ago)

Amen my brother in Christ. God be with you and your family always.....

11.25.18. Tune into God..

11.25.18. Tune into God... We should always pay close attention to where God is taking us in our lives. Often times in life we get discouraged by listening to the wrong things. We start trusting what we hear our naysayers saying and doubting what God is directing us to do. We should always focus on pleasing God first. When you do this, you are setting yourself up for happiness, joy and peace. So whatever you are doing always seek God's guidance before you start. Rest in knowing that when you Tune into God, He will guide you, lead you and protect you through your journey. Remember to tune out the noise and always listen to God's voice. Have an awesome Sunday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you me encouragers. 11.

11.24.18. We can't fool God..

11.24.18. We can't fool God. Regardless of the reports we hear on the television. We must remember that God is still has the ultimate control. He will always have the final say over everything in this life that we live. So don't get discouraged by what the odds are or what you are hearing. Continue to believe in God and ignore the things that are not lining up with His will. You will see that no can ever predict or know what God is going to do in any given situation. So rest in knowing that we can't fool God, but trusting His will. is always our best option. Have an awesome Saturday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

11.23.18. Completely Trust God..

11.23.18. Completely Trust God. Through out life, there will be many situations that will cause you to doubt why they are happening. You will often ponder solutions and try your best to fix them. But you must remember trusting God through anything is always your best option. You can rely on the fact that He will never make a mistake and He will always do what is best for you. So rest in knowing, that when you completely trust God, You can live your best life because no one knows your situation better than Him. Keep on pressing and keep letting God guide your journey. Have a Fantastic Friday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

11.22.18. Is God in your Thanksgiving?

11.22.18. Is God in your Thanksgiving? Remember on this Thanksgiving Day to share God's love. You maybe interacting with family that truly needs the love of God in their lives. Our actions always speak louder than our words. So be mindful of your surroundings and how God can use you to encourage them. His love is the greatest gift we can give anyone. So why not share His love on Thanksgiving Day. Rest knowing that it's a blessing to celebrate Thanksgiving, but we must remember that it's by God's grace that we are living. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

11.21.18. What God says, He does..

11.21.18. What God says He does. Many times in this life we get disappointed by people who say one thing and do another. But this is never the case with God. His word is true and whatever He says, He will do. You can always count on Him even during the the toughest trials of your life, He will be there. You will never find anyone like Him. So don't get discouraged when people let you down, just know that God is always there to pick you up. Rest in knowing, regardless of what everyone one else does, you can trust that God will always do what he says. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

11.20.18. Regardless of what it is..Praise God.

11.20.18. Regardless of what it is.. Praise God. There are many things that can bring us down in this life. But we must not wallow in them. Learn to get back up and rely on God. He will always be there, no matter what. His love is amazing and He can encourage you through anything when you fully surrender to Him. Everything always brightens when you focus on the blessings of God. So rest in knowing that nothing can keep you down when you're standing on the promises of God. So, regardless of what it is.. keep on praising God. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

11.19.18. Thank God for all He's done.

11.19.18. Thank God for all He's done. Often times in life, we get bogged down with asking God to do a multitude of things in our lives. But when He does them, we must remember to Thank Him for them. God blesses us so much, there's really no way that we could ever thank Him enough. So every chance you get, Thank God and give Him the praise in every situation. You will see His blessings more and more when you keep an attitude of gratitude. His love will always be more than enough to get you through your rough stuff. So rest in knowing that when you Thank God for all He's done, His blessing will continue to overflow in your life. Have a magnificent Monday. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.