
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

11.22.17. #God is worthy..

11.22.17. #God is worthy of all the praise. He is a protector, a provider and He reigns over everything. We wouldn’t be here to celebrate Thanksgiving without His grace. There’s not a love that compares to the things that He has done for us. The most beautiful thing is knowing that regardless of what fails in our lives, God is not one of them. He will always deliver what He has promised and He will always work for our good. So rest in knowing that God is worthy of every praise that we give Him. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you Encouragers..

11.21.17. Thanking #God for my Dad on his Birthday

11.21.17. Thank you #God for my Dad.. There's nothing like having the guidance of a good earthly Dad. I am truly blessed to have Him in my life. He has always taught me the best life lessons. He has been there to support me in everything I do and I will always be most grateful for all the things he has done to get me to be the man I am. Today is my Dad's (Jimmy Zewalk) Birthday.. you are the best Dad and there's nothing like having a Dad that driven and lead by our God. You are awesome and you deserve to be celebrated.. Thanks again Dad and I praise God for you..

11.20.17. What #God has for you..

11.20.17. What #God has for you will always be for you. Remember regardless of what people do to try to detour you from your destination, God will always prevail. So continue to keep your focus on Him and trust Him in every circumstance and then watch Him move you toward your destination. Your naysayers and haters will never have the power to conquer the will of God. So let God be your main focus keep moving and never quit. Keep saying to yourself over and over again, with God I can do all things. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my Encouragers..

11.19.17. Once #God steps in..

11.19.17. Once #God steps in, everything is going to be alright. Often times we get discouraged about things that are truly out of our control. We must remember that regardless of what it is, God already knows the outcome. The key is to recognize that we have to let go and always let God. Because, His way will never be our ways and our best solution is always putting all our faith in Him, So Remember, Once God steps in and we step out, God will work it out. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

11.18.17. Everything #God does..

11.18.17. Everything #God does will always be for your good. Even during the bad times, never lose hope in God. He will never take you to a place that He is not already at. Continue to keep praising Him and stay focused on His word. Because through it all, He is going to always make you better than you were before. So remember there is nothing that God is doing in your life at the present time that is not going to make you better for the future. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

11.17.17. #God is not going to leave you alone.

11.17.17. #God is not going to leave you alone. Regardless of what you are going through, remember, that there's never a time that God has left you to fight your battles all by yourself. He will always be with you and protect you though whatever you're facing. Even at times when you feel that your friends have turned their back on you, God never will. His love for you is greater than anything and anyone. So, No matter what goes wrong, God will never leave you alone. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my Encouragers.

11.16.17. #God will always win your battles.

11.16.17. #God will always win your battles. Remember God will never fail in spite of your hell. The key to conquering battles in your life is your ability to surrender the battle to God. Surrendering doesn’t involve giving it to Him and then trying to fight it on your own. You must let Him have complete control. Wait on Him, praise Him and worship Him through the battle. You will conquer it because God will always win.Take care, Stay encouraged and God bless you my Encouragers.

11.15.17. When #God is at the beginning..

11.15.17. When #God is at the beginning you never have to worry about the ending. A lot of our life difficulties occur when we forget to involve God in the initial stages.. Remember everything you put God in you’ll always win. He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end and in Him you’ll never find a better friend. So, keep Him first and stay focused on your destination. There’s always a happier ending when God is at your beginning. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my Encouragers..

11.14.17. #God will never walk away..

11.14.17. #God will never walk away. There are times in our lives we feel we are facing our obstacles all alone. But this is not true when God is the head of your life. He will never walk away from you regardless of the obstacle. We must remember to never walk away from Him because through Him is we’re you will get the strength to face all your life problems and see your opportunities. Keep pressing your purpose and rest in knowing that God will never walk away but His favor will always make a way. Stay encouraged and God bless you my Encouragers..

11.13.17. With #God you can’t fail..

11.13.17 With #God you can’t fail. Remember, there’s nothing in this life that will ever stop the favor of God. When He is for you, it’s more than the world against you. He will lead and guide you in ways that you will never imagine. His vision for you is greater than what you will ever see.. So no matter what, With God you can’t fail. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my Encouragers.