
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

1.11.18. With #God you're never alone..

1.11.18. With God you're never alone. He is always with you regardless of what may be troubling you. He will bring you comfort and He will bring you out if you just depend on Him. Remember the bible is our road map on this journey. The more you put God's word in your heart and continue to praise God in the process, the more you will see Him working in your life. You will see, that even when everything in your life appears to be going wrong, God will never leave you there alone. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

1.10.18. #God has the final say..

1.10.18. #God has the final say. Have you ever looked at a situation and thought, there's no way that this is ever going to turn around? I know I have, and that is the beauty of serving God because He specializes in things we think are impossible. We worry and think that something is doomed but God says hold on, I got this. When you put your trust and faith in Him, He will always show you that what He is doing will always be for your good. So continue to praise and pray and rest in knowing that God will always have the final say. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

1.9.18. #God never stops loving you..

1.9.18. #God never stops loving you. Even in the toughest of times the enemy tries to attack us with doubt and make us question God's love for us. But we must remember that God is love. He will never change and His love for us can get us through anything. So rest in knowing, that that He loves us so much that He sent His son to die for our sins. Therefore, if we believe in Him we will never perish but we will receive eternal life. There's no greater love than the love of God. So remember God will never stop loving you and don't fall for the lies that the enemy is telling you.. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

1.8.18. #God will deliver..

1.8.18. #God will deliver. Never think for a second that God will ever go back on any of His promises. He will always come through and there's no reason to doubt. Stand on His promises and live by them daily and watch everything He promised you come to fruition. He is God that cannot lie and he never will. So keep your faith and trust in Him in all things and depend on Him. He will never fail and His favor for your life will always prevail. So unlike the devil who will is like a snake who lies and quivers, God is a God of truth and what he promises He will always deliver. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

1.7.18. Start with #God..

1.7.18. Start with #God. It is always best to began your day with praising and thanking God. He is the reason why we are here and we should always show Him gratitude for our being. He is the source behind every blessing, every opportunity and every deliverance in our lives. So, the least we can do is begin our day with praising Him. He will never fail and His love will prevail. So rest in know that when you start with God your ending will always be blessed. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you

1.6.18. Lean on #God..

1,6,18, Lean on #God. How many times have we told ourselves we can't do something or this is just to hard for us to deal with? The reason why it is difficult to handle is because we are leaning on ourselves instead of trusting in God. He wants us to cast all our cares upon Him. So let the pride go and give the situation to God and watch Him work it out. Be patience and keep praising Him. You will see that that every time on God you lean, that He will work everything, Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

1.5.18. #God created your story..

1.5.18. #God created your story. Never think for a minute that God does not know what is going on in your life. He is the author of your story. He knows the trials you are going through and He will always be there for you. So continue to lean on Him in all things. He is aware of what is happening now, what happened in the past and what's about to occur in your future. Rest in knowing that when you put all your trust in Him, He will see you through every obstacle and He will bless you with opportunities that you never imagined. So never worry just praise God because you trust in the one who created your story. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

1.4.18. #God's got a plan..

1.4.18. #God's got a plan. His plan for your life is only for you. Only you can carry it out. So make sure that you are following His instructions. It is very easy sometimes when we know our purpose to make decisions without consulting God. But we should always be lead by Him so that we don't make huge mistakes. He knows what He is doing in our lives and we should always have faith in His every move. So rest in knowing that you may not understand, but God will always have a plan for your life. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless my encouragers.

1.3.18. Keep following #God..

1.3.18. Keep following #God. Often times in our lives we get discouraged by things that is happening around us. But we must remember that God is still in control of all things. Don't ever waiver in your faith to Him. He will bless you and give you favor when you devote your life and your purpose for His glory. His love for you is unlike any other. So don't let the stress of life get you down and continue to keep following God regardless of what's happening around. You will be glad you did, because all things work for the good of those who love the Lord. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.

1.2.18. Just let #God and move on..

1.2.18. Just let #God and move on. Sometimes in our lives we try to figure out why things happened the way they did. We ponder thoughts and think this should not have happened and we tell ourselves this was just wrong. But we must remember that God is still in control. Rest in knowing that just because someone may have treated us badly or it appears that they got away with something, doesn't mean that God is not going to fight our battle. He promises that He will provide us everything we need and protect us from all harm. So, Remember that regardless of who or what, God has already got it taken care of. So, just let #God and move one. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you my encouragers.