
Darryn Zewalk / Blog

2.11.2012 (Darryn Zewalk's Day)

Today has been a relaxing day I did work on my piano progressions for the 5 songs that I have mapped out for the album. I am truly looking forward to what is to come. My awesome wife.. gave me a great talking to today about being in a holding pattern right now but this is when the devil wishes for us to doubt and attempts to test our faith. Just know that the Lord is going to take care of everything. Just sit back at watch him do his thing but keep moving in the process and don’t get discouraged. I am truly blessed to have her in my life when things don’t seem to work out she is there to help me out.. Lots of things to come and I am truly looking for 2012 to be an amazing year. May the Lord continually bless each of you in everything you do. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

2.10.2012 (Zewalk Update)

Today has been a great day.. I am really excited about the weekend. I plan to relax and work on music a little. I am truly praying about the direction of where I am going. I pray that the Lord align me with the right people who can assist me in getting the music out to the masses and keep their word. I am determined to keep on pushing to encourage people in the Lord.. Sometimes the devil thinks he has you because of stumbling blocks.. but I have learned that the Lord prevails when you completely trust in him and cast all your cares upon him. I pray that your day has been a blessed one filled with great things. Take care, stay encouraged and God bless you.

2.8.2012 (Darryn Zewalk Update)

Today has been a very interesting day but a very productive one to say the least. I have 3 songs picked out for the Voices of Praise to sing tomorrow night at rehearsal some old songs with some new tags and I have worked through 5 of my songs on my upcoming project. I have picked out the chord progressions for my songs and it has been a process and well worth it.. I am truly excited about finishing the reminder of the songs as the week passes. I pray that your day has been a blessed one filled with amazing things. Take care and stay encouraged. God bless and keep you.

Afterwork Studio Session 2.1.2012 (Darryn Zewalk Update)

I have just got home and relaxing from my awesome studio session with Jordan McCleod. We listened to More Evenings, Forevermore, Cold, Stand..etc.. I am truly excited about the direction of the project and the players that are playing on it. We are looking to call Ben Satterlee back into the studio to do more drumming. He is truly awesome and have added some things to 6 of my songs.. Jordan is looking to add guitar and I will add some keyboards in 2 weeks. I am truly looking forward to the development of the project. The Lord is truly blessing the team and I am humbled by what I hear. I will keep you posted as developments occur. I pray that your day is a blessed one filled with great things. Take care and stay encouraged.

January 31st, 2012 (Darryn Zewalk Update)

Today has been a very interesting day. I have confirmed my studio session tomorrow with Jordon McCleod. We will be mapping out the piano tracks for my album and determining what we will be doing either light pads or heavy embellishments. I have also connected with Substance today and my site completion work is just about completed. I will look for a report this week. Hopefully as early as tomorrow. I am trusting the Lord and I pray that you will continue to support me on twitter @ http://twitter.com/#!/darrynzewalk and on my facebook fanpage http://www.facebook.com/gospelmusicdownloads I appreciate your support. Take care and stay encouraged. May God continually bless you.

January 29th, 2012 (Darryn Zewalk Blog)

Today has been a great day of worship. Church service was awesome and a greta sermon preached by one of our associate ministers. The text for the sermon was James 1-7, 13-15.. This sermon really hit home with me today. There was really good questions asked in the sermon that I noted in my notes. they were as follows: 1) Who’s report do we believe? 2) Are you ready for your suffering? 3) Do what degree do I let God take care of my problems? I truly feel that this sermon was for me.. I am blessed to have witnessed this beautiful day. Musically there is new station in the UK interested in paying my music the name of the station is Stafford FM. Situation should be aired on this station is about month. I will keep you posted when the song will be played. I pray your day has been blessed and filled with great things. Take care and stay encouraged. God Bless you family.

January 27th, 2012 (Darryn Zewalk Update)

I am truly happy today is Friday.. The Lord has been with me this day and protected me throughout this day which is a blessing in and of itself. I am still working out the plans for my distribution deal with Blue Pie Productions. There is also a company looking to publish Situation.. I am truly waiting on the Lord and trusting that he is going to lead me in the right direction to go.. I am still excited about the new music that I have been working on for my new album. So how has you week been? Do you have anything special going on? Thanks for reading my blog. May God continually keep and bless you. Take care and stay encouraged.

January 26th 2012 (Darryn Zewalk Update)

Today has been a day of reviewing contracts and email correspondence with Lucien Wall regarding my Distribution deal with Blue Pie. I will be finishing everything and getting him the final contract soon. I have been listening to 3 of my new tracks for my upcoming album.. I am truly excited about the direction Jordan McCleod and I are taking with this project. However, I have got to start working on my piano tracks for the project.. I am truly wanting this project to be classic with a current vibe to it.. I pray your day has been a blessed one filled with amazing things. Take care and stay encouraged. God bless you family…

January 25th (Darryn Zewalk)

Today has truly been a busy day but a very productive one. I had my session with my Producer/Engineer Jordan McCleod for Runaway Productions. The session was simple amazing,, the tracks are sounding awesome.. I got to listen 2 my project and specifically to Forevermore, Can’t Make it and Gotta give Praise. After the session, I spoke with Lucien Wall of Blue Pie and everything seems to be a go with my first Digital Distribution Deal.. I am truly excited about the growth of the material going to an overseas market. Then the night finished touching bass with Dionna Harding.. I am still awaiting the response she is getting in Colorado. So the day has been busy but I am truly excited about what the Lord is doing. I pray that your day has been a blessed one filled with amazing things. Take care and stay encouraged and God bless.

January 23rd-24th (Darryn Zewalk)

The last 2 days have been very interesting. I am in the process of having a series of business meetings with 2 prospective companies that could have a great deal influence on my career. I have sent my tracks to Diaonna Harding of Black Pearl Entertainment and I will be hopefully chatting with Lucien Wall from Blue Pie Entertainment tomorrow night. The Lord is truly working and I am honestly humbled by what he is doing in my life. I know that it is all because of him. I am truly excited about the opening on 2012. I will keep you posted on what happens regarding there meetings. I am also scheduled to have a recording session with Jordan McCleod of Runaway Productions. I will let you know the songs we we worked on and listened too tomorrow. May the Lord continually bless and keep you. Take care and stay encouraged.