
Juggern0rt / Blog

Hooligan Review

Check out this wicked review that got given for the Hooligan E.P.

Many thanks to Pagan reviews for the kind words and the support!


2010 so far

2010 has had its good and bad points for us, the main low point is the fact we departed with one of our guitarists Tibbs. We were sad to see him go but we wish him well with whatever he chooses to do in the future and we will carry on nonetheless.

So we said goodbye to 2009 and welcomed in 2010 with a new years eve gig at The Gaff in Holloway Road. This was a night of debauchery and drunken madness that will not be forgotten (or very well remembered) and was a great way to start 2010.

And so came the gigs so far....With all of them going better than we expected (minus the Water Rats venue which we were "politely" evicted from before we even had a chance to grace the stage due to "excessive behaviour") we have been given many more opportunities and chances that we will be pursuing in the very near future.

Our e.p "FULL METAL ASSAULT" and merchandise such as shirts will be avaliable for purchase very soon so keep an eye out for those. As for gigs, there are some headline slots we will be filling and a very intersting night at The Hobgoblin in Camden on St Patricks day which we will be putting on aswell as jumping behind the DJ booth afterwards to bless peoples ears with the magic of awesome metal and drunken Irish tunes, so if you can party come and have a mad one!

So there we have it, a very brief catch up of what we have been up to so far this year. We plan to jump on a few tours this year and party hard on the way, so if we ever go through your town/city then come and have a drink!