
Jonathan Laird / Blog


Many a time growing up, I flirted with the idea of running away from home. I'm revisiting that idea once more. It occurs to me that there is a life I want to experience. There are adventures I want to live. With each new day, it becomes more and more clear that I'm not gonna find it in my house. Today was a good start. Tomorrow will be even better.

No good deed should go undone

She told me she really enjoyed chocolates, flowers and handwritten notes. Seeing as how I didn't have chocolate or flowers, but did have quick access to a pen and paper, I made sure that I jotted down the handwritten note before I left. There's nothing quite like the satisfaction you get when listening to a woman tell you what she desires in a man, and being able to meet that need in her life regardless of whether your relationship is intimate or not. I did my good deed for the day, and maybe somebody else who reads this post will be able to do the same to someone else in their life. The day is young and so am I!

Sowing and Sleeping

September is kind of a lax month for me, but in a good way. In part, the show schedule isn't quite as busy as it usually is in the summer months, but it also allows me to actively pursue recording more in depth. The band and I have scaled-back our itinerary to make room for less shows that have higher value. It's kind of nice actually. After playing church this morning, I went to my favorite Mexican restaurant, Phil Sandoval's and enjoyed a nice fajita lunch. I promptly went back to the homestead and caught 80 winks. Very nice indeed....

Just a reminder, I will be playing at The Brick in Decatur on Wednesday for anyone who wants to come. You'll be more than welcome. Also, be sure to "like" me on Facebook. You can do so at the home page at www.jonathanlaird.net.

Thanks everyone and have a great week!

Chili the Kid

Today is Labor Day. Traditionally, the family has a get together and we sit back, have lunch and occasionally watch a movie. My dad makes a mean bowl of chili, and to those in my inner circle, I have a renowned love affair with this stuff. You see at my parent's church, the former preacher used to make something he lovingly called, "Fire and Brimstone Chili." This concoction was appropriately named, as you'll soon see. Here is the ingredient list (just the incendiary stuff): 26 oz hot chili powder, 5 oz black pepper, 10 oz chili peppers, 32 oz cayenne pepper, 24 oz red hot cayenne pepper sauce, 10 oz Tabasco. (Would it help if I said that this was supposed to feed 300 people?) Now, as far as I can remember, I remember eating about 20 heaping spoonfuls of this stuff before I had to run to the bathroom, throw up a couple of times, guzzle the entire northern Alabama water supply, and pass out for the night. I was henceforth dubbed, "Chili" by my friends. Years passed, but the 5-alarm siren still beckons me, "Come hither!" I have since then, guzzled an entire bottle of Tabasco sauce in front of a live audience, which I don't recommend, by the way. I guess the cowboy in me just keeps on coming back to the same old vice. Maybe even twice in the same day. I do believe there are leftovers!

Right On Track

Sunday night, my friend Bill and I went on an excursion to Buffalo Wild Wings. The wings were good, but the star attraction was the soft pretzel basket. I had honestly forgotten how much I loved a warm, chewy pretzel. I think I may have to start making it a new weekly ritual.

It was the perfect start to a brand-new week. Let me let you in on a little experiment that I'm trying this week as I slurp down this delicious cup of coffee. YouTube is the most underdeveloped social network that I have in my circle, and I am inviting everyone here to be a subscriber on my channel. If you've ever seen any of my posts before, you'll know doubt know that I can get pretty quirky. It's cool though. I'll also be posting new content up there this week, so keep your eyes out for a well-known pop cover:


Thanks everyone! Have an awesome week!

Moe's Barbecue

Hey everyone! Just wrapping up a weekend of playing. Saturday's performance was amongst one of the worst shows that I think I've played recently, but as a friend of mine once said, "if you're afraid of sounding bad in this business, you're in the wrong line of work." The game has a way of humbling the man playing it. That being said, if I know myself, I will spend the majority of the week practicing twice as hard and will not let up until I get the proactive results that I want. It should leave me primed and pumped for this weekend's performance on Saturday. I have a new venue called Moe's barbecue located at Providence in Huntsville. They are a relatively new business, and they're trying to develop their clientele. Anybody who can come, your support would mean a whole lot to both me and this fine establishment. It's a nice family atmosphere with plenty to eat, and I'm told they have some decent live entertainment. Details are on the calendar and if you have any further questions, contact me at my web address or on one of the social networks.

Thanks everyone!


Open Doors

As I look back on my success in this business, I recognize something pretty crazy. Most of it I can point back to and say to myself, "I had nothing to do with this. I didn't do anything to deserve this opportunity. I didn't pursue it. It just appeared." While most people "fill the pipeline" with opportunities, I have had a somewhat different story. It has become quite clear to me that an authority higher than myself wants to author and perfect my success story. When I came to that realization, it was hard to let momentary setbacks get me down. In all of my trials, in all of my adversities, I have never lacked what I needed. Not once. I write this today to let you know that if you are facing setbacks, this is not the endgame. Sometimes good things in life have to be carved out of the itinerary in order to make room for the great things in life. Keep your eyes open and set on the goal at hand. If you don't have goals, start making some! Put deadlines on them. Place them in a spot where you can see them every day. You'll be glad you did!

Crossing the Finish Line

Crossing the Finish Line

Ow ow ow, I think to myself as I begin the first leg of a arduous run around my neighborhood. It was only two days ago that I decided to do the same thing, each time incrementally increasing distance. It's been a great plan so far. I'm growing muscles I never knew I had. Each time I get to do better than my previous best, but today brought it's challenges with it.

Right out of the gate, the soreness arose. The muscles were tense. As someone once said, "My puppies were screaming." However, if there's one thing I've learned about exercise and about life, it's that listening to how you feel all the time is one of the most unreliable things you can do. A person fasts or exercises atrophied muscles and the body yells back at the person, "What in the name of all that is good and sacred are you doing, you masochist? Pain! Awwww the horror!!" It's not restricted to health related issues either. Be it an ambivalent attitude towards a relationship that requires effort, or rationalizing that old dogs can't learn new tricks, it's human nature to listen to the deceptive voices, to believe things will always be the way they are, and that you might as well throw in the towel. There was a time, if memory serves, that I fasted on nothing but water and supplements for almost three solid weeks. The first three to four days are the hardest, because the petulant voice tells you how hungry you are when in truth, you may not actually know true hunger. If you can make it past that time, it's a cakewalk and there's a point where you feel like you can do it forever, even though you can't.

In a world full of complications and distractions, where you find you may not have enough hours in the day to do everything in the world, focus on the things that matter. Hold fast to them with discipline, character and the realization that greatness and success are planned events. Keep your eyes on the prize and cross the finish line. You have what it takes!

In a timely fashion

In a Timely Fashion

Everyone knows I'm excited about the growth of my business. New material is underway. Gear and processors are being shipped to HQ. Pre-production is in the works as we speak. None of this is more exciting than my vendors' choice to make the postal service it's mode of transportation for delivering the goods. What's more, one vendor only gave buyers the choice of paying $20 in shipping charges for the product. I forked over the cash without any reluctance, but if I'm gonna pay that amount in shipping, I expect tracking information, and I expect next day service. On the other hand, I may just be....antsy. With so much in my heart and mind ready to be poured out, I cannot wait till I get the chance to share it with each and every one of you. Won't be long now!

What a week...

After a full weekend of being as busy looking like a cross between the guys of LMFAO, Run DMC and Andy Samberg, I have now stashed away the polyester jumpsuit for the week and exchanged it for something that makes the little nooks and crannies of my body look and feel a little less like a Munchkinland swimming pool. With some extra money, and some new perspective on not taking one's self too seriously, I prepare for the rigors of a new week. Fun times mixed in with a little forward-thinking momentum is a recipe for a satisfying livelihood and lifestyle, for that matter. Friday, Cheezee plays our first show, as this lineup, at Knight Moves in Hazel Green. I've been told we don't know what the turnout is going to look like, so it would be great to see those who can make it. Do come out and see us this weekend.

Thanks guys for all the love and support!
