
Valissa / Blog

Made Fit

Luke 9:62 NLT ...“Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.” In other words anyone who allows themselves to keep getting distracted from the work God has planned for them is not fit for the Kingdom of God. When applying for a job, the company normally hires you based on your qualifications or on WHO you know, right? Well sometimes after being hired you may find that you have an adversary within the organization someone who has an issue with you (for whatever reason) and they begin to make things hard for you? They say stuff to make you feel under qualified, and unfit because they want to see you fail and go backwards. Well that’s how it is on this spiritual walk. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are qualified or made FIT not because of anything we’ve done but because of WHO we know and believe in. Then we discover we have an adversary out in the field and he begins to tell us lies because he wants us to fail. He knows full well, that belief in his lies can cause us to look backwards and let go of the plow. But when we FINALLY realize who we are in Christ Jesus in every area of our lives and that Jesus has already made us fit; Jesus has already qualified us for the position we hold in the kingdom and that we have already won, our adversary will have a hard time distracting us and getting us to look back. How do we accomplish that? It always goes back to the Word of God. You have to constantly feast upon (read) God’s WORD and allow it to transform your thinking. Romans 12:2 says, “Be transformed by the renewal of our minds.” Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Allow God’s word to change your mind in order to change your perception of yourself, so you won’t keep looking back. We also have to spend quality time in prayer nurturing our relationship and getting to know our Abba Father. I’m so grateful that God knows our hearts AND our struggle to see ourselves the way HE sees us at times and that he’s extremely patient! #grateful #Fit #Jesusqualified

Forgiveness Is Liberating

At some point and time in all of our lives we've been hurt by someone. Maybe you were hurt by your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, coworker, friend, mother, father, or another family member, etc. And some of the hurts were easy to forgive, you've made amends and have successfully moved on with your life. Well in this week's Proverbial Moment, we felt led to address the hurts that we're still holding on to, hurts that we refuse to face and forgive. And because they haven't been faced or forgiven, they've affected the way you live your life and other relationships. Of course it's uncomfortable and we don't even want to remember or talk about hurtful moments in our lives. We just want to keep them locked up inside of us and try to forget that they ever happened. We try to suppress the memories and try to successfully function out of disfunction. And we've kept the hurt and anger locked up for so long that we don't even realize how much space they're actually occupying inside of us. As long as you refuse to face past hurts, those hurts continue to sit on the shelves of your heart and mind taking up space and holding you captive. And the longer you hold on to the hurt/anger and feed it, the larger it gets and the larger it gets, the more space it can take up inside of you. Before you know it, you can become a walking vessel, full of anger...angry with the world and you don't even know why. You don't know why you can't trust people, you don't know why you won't let people get close to you. You get to a point where you don't even realize you're doing it. It just becomes a way of survival. Are you still holding on to past hurt and anger? Have you forgiven and moved on? When the name of the person who hurt you is mentioned or when that person is in your presence how do you respond? Are you irritated and bothered when you hear their name? Do you roll your eyes when they're in your presence? Do you have thoughts of revenge? You do know...your body language, your actions, your thoughts, etc. all reveal the truth regardless of what you say? Granted there are some hurts that don't compare to the other hurts that we've experienced. They're in a category all by themselves but I've learned that it's liberating when you face hurts and forgive the person responsible for hurting you, even if they're dead and gone! Actually, forgiveness is more for you than it is for the other person. When you forgive and let go of hate and anger, it feels like an enormous weight lifts off of you. The person and what they did to you no longer have the power to hold you captive. You feel...FREE! Forgiveness liberates you and empowers you to move on with your life so you can enjoy it to the full. Today...ask God to help you forgive, so you can enjoy the freedom he died for you to have! www.mooreandmooreministries.com

Today is my birthday

Today is my 44th birthday and I'm thankful to be alive.

David C Haynes
David C Haynes  (about 10 years ago)

Happy Birthday and may the Lord bless you on this day... David