
X2MUSIC / Blog

Every day is a gift

Life is very precious and can take the turn for the worse at any moment. Once you get this idea into your mind, you’ll stop procrastinating and put all your ideas into motion. If you live like today is your last day on the planet, then you will gain a renewed sense of appreciation for everything around you. With this appreciation in mind, you’ll start planning things in advance, work harder and act wisely. This is the ultimate motivation you can give yourself to reach the next level of success.


There will be a time when Im gonna look back on and remember all the hard work I put in to get in a greater place....I feel like a special person and I feel like I was made to do great things....I wont let anything get in my way!


I get up every morning give my thanks. I make connections, practice, writing songs, and do all the necessary things to be a successful musician. And things have been paying off..I must remember to stay humble and thankful.


If you’re not willing to risk, you cannot grow. If you cannot grow, you cannot be your best. If you cannot be your best, you cannot be happy. If you cannot be happy, what else is there?

Last night

The show last night was awesome! Joy Ike was awesome! It was a packed house! This was the best night so far in my music venture with many many many more to come!

Public Opinion

Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared to our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that is what determines, or rather dictates his fate.

Letting Go of Fear

Fear is what holds you back from doing great things. Don’t be afraid to learn something new. Don’t be afraid to start over. Don’t be afraid of letting go of fears and allow yourself to be happy. Close your eyes and visualize all of your fears. Grab them and throw them in the trash can. And then pick up the trash can and take the garbage out. You are fearless. You are capable of doing anything you want. You can move on with your life and you can achieve great things.

If you overcome your fears, you can be successful!


Im a creator...not a performer come to do something out of the normal...whats normal to you? Whats creating to you? Whats worth more?


The chances you take is the person you make


You have to work everyday to obtain your dreams, you cant say you a baller but don't own a ball. So whatever you want to be surround yourself with the likely materials