
Kaptndave / Blog


2009/10/05- As the days have gone by of 2009. I have been faced with a near death experience, been close to abandonment, and 2 deaths of family came. I looked into the cracked mirror to find the man I hated. When 1 gets lost they look for guidance. It was here and now. TIME reveled me and now I am beginning to rebuild myself into the man I want to be.

If there is a GOD or Destiny! I am not there yet!! 2010 here I KOME! Kaptndave lives on!


DO HAS MICH! Kaptndave is here to feed on your hate!


I have had 2 cousins who have committed suicide. I hate the idea of being alone. My music and kids become inspirational. If you move away from family, enjoy the company of "misery follows me where ever I go"!

Kaptndave at its infant stage.

Although, may experiences of industrial, dance and gothic music has been my major influence. Kaptndave will still combine all this in a new form of creativity. New track are coming, however next assignment due for U of A on Friday Nov 21- 22. Expect more to come...Thanks to the fans and pass it around!

Thanks, Kaptndave.