
Jericho13 / Blog

Recent History 2

Jericho13 deployed at Chardons Corner Hotel on the evening of the 20th of December. Preliminary trial of the new 4-peice unit stucture. Prototype function beyond all specifications. The PresleyGraph machine showed an early reading of "Rockin' like crazy" peaking with readings of "Rockin' like Fuck!" and finally "Fuck this lets Fuck" before the end of the engagement. All Cyclonic emanations eliminated. Quote Note- "Check out my fucking band! Arent they a bunch of badass mutha fuckers?" - Jericho.

Recent History

The reports are true. The J13 crew have lost a long time member. While over the North atlantic in a violent storm the SS Shaman, driven by some inner voice lept from the J13 airship - "Brunhilde" - with nothing but a parachute a bullwhip and a packet of microwave cous-cous. He made a triumphant exhaltation as he dived from the gondola but unfortunately it was carried away by the tulmut of the storm and never reached our ears. We wish him all the best and warn whatever new enemies he has found to be on guard, for righteous vengence stalks thee!

JJJ requests

REQUEST A SONG WITH ROSIE 0467 345 777: write those digits down, then use ‘em to request your favourite Unearthed song with Rosie Beaton! She’s on your radio Tuesday - Friday arvos spinning the best new Aussie music that you want to hear! If you dig what we're doin, text in Jericho13 and help us catch some airwaves! Standard SMS costs apply.


Just had our first gig on the 1st of april, great show, came up to all expectations. Not gonna put out the video for Zero X zero as we recorded it a long time ago and just dosent represent us anymore. Is a pity but its on myspace with the old version of the song if anyone wants to check it out. Will do a fun cheap vid for fire dragons within the next month. I've just put our pres kit together this week so we'll hope to get some airplay and press in the next months. Will update about upcoming gigs in the next week. Love Jericho

Production info for Kamikaze Love Command

All songs by Jericho except Fire Dragons by Trash Bini/Jericho and MX by Jericho/Trash Bini. Pre-mix engineering and arrangements by Jericho. Post-mix engineering and mastering by Trash Bini. Album produced by Jericho. Will post a more detailed song by song credits in the future. Thanks to those who supported us at the show the other night. I thought we should have stomped it in but you never can tell with these things, was a great night anyhow. There has been a stuff up with our booking for the Scorcher Fest. My bad. Gonna see if I can still get us on the bill. More shows upcoming regardless. Rock on.


Just to set the record straight Jericho13 has not "recently lost their drummer". I am the drummer. On our recordings drums may be recorded live by me or written, arranged and programmed by me. We are however looking for a drummer to enhance our live performances. Hope that clears things up. Jericho.

whats up

Been having a few issues with the zero X zero video, be up shotrly. Also had some problems publishing the ringtones but will work something out and make them available one way or the other. No date yet on the jewel case version of the album but all the design and pre-press fiddling about is done, so will probably release it at an official launch show later in the year. Hope to see everyone who has been diggin' the album at our show at the X&Y bar, its gonna be. Danger, Love and Beer. Jericho

Zero X Zero Video

Final edit being done. Should be up by Thursday. Fire Dragons clip is in the works.


Jericho13 wishes to audtion drummers for a permanent position in the band. We would like to include an intense no nonsense drummer in our live shows to promote this album. What we need now is a self starter with a solid kit and transport, some musical vocabulary and the goal of becomming a fully professional musician. Must be able to use double kick. We have started recording our second album and there are creative input opportunities (including songwriting credits, ie money). Rehearsals are at Bowen Hills; north side of Brisbane. Best way to contact us is to create your own reverbnation page and post your demo there and message us that way, but you can also contact us thru reverbnation or facebook and we'll give you a postal address. (dont give a shit about demo production quality as long as we can hear your talent). Go!

Sarina  (almost 11 years ago)

Hi guys,
Not sure if you are still searching for a drummer but would be interested if you are. I got talking to one of your guitarists at the Tempo a week ago when we gigged there and he asked if I would be interested in having a jam with you all. Please let me know if you are still looking or give me a call on 0413326383 Trent SiknessInSalvation


Jericho13 are currently rehearsing and compiling a press kit. They are focused on getting some airplay and building their fan base over the next couple months, with the view to launching the album officially with a live show in The Valley in Brisbane. Album is almost ready to go to press and the limited edition CD (All original artwork, photos, lyrics, stomped disc in jewel case.) will be available for those who like something more solid for their money. Thanks to everyone who has spread the word. Rock on.