


"SEE YOU TOMORROW" by Jassniro REVIEWS From the Crowd:

“Nice jazzy intro feel. I like the drum sound along with the trumpet. A nice relaxing feel that I could sit back and drift too. Definitely a song I would recommend or look into purchasing. Has nice Herbie Hancock sound to it.”

“I love the introduction to this song. The intro was soft and smooth. The saxophone is lovely in this instrumental. The drums are on key. This instrumental is so relaxing and smooth it makes all the tension go away. The quality and performance couldn't be any better”.

“A relaxed tone greets this song as a smooth rythm creates a relaxing atmosphere for the listener. A romantic spirit also touches the listeners environment, making this ideal for romantic and relaxing settings. This piece also contains a smooth instrumental performance, not too bland or awkward. This piece is indeed a relaxing masterpiece that should be played in various places such as hotels, romantic restaurants, etc.”


You can listen to Jassniro on Sundown Lounge Podzine mixed by Larry Winfield. Sundown Lounge is a laid back international weekly podzine of extremely eclectic music, spoken word, weird science, progressive politics, interesting audio goodies, and occasional etc. Physically, I'm in the completely gentryfied and contentious (and constantly renovated) left coast oasis of art, culture, and social experiment called San Francisco. Until I land a base of operations and a day job, I'll be experiencing the Bay Area "al fresco," but metaphorically, the beach house is perched at the western end of Golden Gate Park near Sunset Beach. I've added insulation, a few blankets and a portable heater and you can only wear sandals some days, but the sunsets are still wonderful and the scientists, poets and musicians still come through and jam to the surf... LINK:



It 's sad to see that regarding the music market distributed online is often made a sort of financial speculation from providers of music sites that promise easy money from the sale in downloading, and then very often an artist, eventually picks up the crumbs .. For example, regarding royalties, nothing is given about the rights of the music 'streaming', then, if your music is listened up to 20.000 times then no royalties are acknowledged, and this is distressing.. Another negative aspect is commercial music, and the economic speculation that recording studios make to bring your music in audio parameters standards of commercial music. Maybe, even if one composes nice original music and outside the schemes, some speculator tells you (to make you spend money) and maybe to turn your recording into a more professional level you need to invest a thousand dollars, between mixing and mastering, and then, a musician, instead of earning money from music ends up feeding a lot of speculators on the internet .. But the passion for music, that at least , has no price .. So let's keep it tight in our hands, without selling to any music speculator.. Jassniro www.jassniro.com


JASSNIRO NEW ALBUM "I'M FEELING STRANGE" ON CD BABY MUSIC STORE. In a music scene rather bleak compared to my foundational references in music and the "sacred monsters" of the past (especially jazz artists such as Miles Davis and more recently Charles Lloyd) and the great orchestras like Burt Bacharach, I managed to produce a cd totally alone (except the song "I'm feeling strange" mixed and mastered by Studio Pros in Los Angeles and featuring Racquel Roberts on vocals), then composing, playing, singing, arranging, mixing, burning, distributing and promoting my own music, just on my own. I wish I could live my life always this way, living my existence as I live the passion and the strong affection for music.


www.jassniro.com http://gljassniro.wix.com/jassniro


Ive recently created a group on facebook"SOUND SEARCH AFFILIATES"-You can join me there and tell me "whats up"... Group intro: What distinguishes Jassniro music productions is the passion for sound research, so this group is open to music specialists, composers, sound engineers,d.j., designers,creative people in general, or even vocalists involved in the search for a particular sound or harmony, to exchange ideas, and even audio files / mp3 that can be used for my next music productions and youll get a special review for that)or even for co-productions and compilations.. links: soundsearchaffiliates@groups.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/soundsearchaffiliates/





Today's world, when a crisis of identity and values pervades our life, we can find ourselves in the exploration of other cultures, in our diametrical opposite... somewhere in the world... Let's mingle then, let's get mad at each other and respect one another..Love means to explore our hidden self, our ancestral opposite....



“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”

Distributed To:iTunes Mexico, VerveLife, Rhapsody, MySpace Music, Zune, MediaNet, Amazon MP3, iHeartRadio, Spotify, Google Play, iTunes U.S., iTunes Latin America (incl. Brazil), iTunes Australia/N.Z., simfy, Amazon On Demand, iTunes Canada, Deezer, Nokia, eMusic, iTunes UK/European Union, iTunes Japan-


There are several reasons that the motion moved against the construction of a high speed and capacity in Val di Susa: The work, due to the high cost and taking into account the potential revenue, it would be uneconomical. Number of vehicles that annually pass through in both directions, the Frejus tunnel, The traffic on the Turin-Lyon is, admittedly the promoters of the new line, continuing to fall, especially those passing through the Frejus tunnel and then the HST would remain underutilized. The decrease in traffic would not be attributable the presence on the line long stretches of single track, due to expansion work carried out in tunnels, because they started earlier. the official studies of the general contractor, Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, however, estimate an exponential growth of traffic for the systematic and years to come. The construction works would last many years and would lead to noise pollution and environmental damage of the inhabitants of the valley. The mountains valsusine, based on projects that will be crossed by tunnels of the order of tens of kilometers, have within them significant amounts of asbestos, uranium (and radon) which, during the excavation and transportation, could spread up the outskirts of nearby Turin because of the strong winds typical of the valley.

Vi sono diverse ragioni che il movimento muove contro la costruzione di una linea ad alta velocità e capacità in val di Susa: L'opera, a causa dell'elevato costo e tenendo conto dei possibili ricavi, sarebbe economicamente sconveniente. Il numero di autoveicoli che annualmente attraversano, nei due sensi, il traforo del Frejus , il traffico sulla direttrice Torino-Lione è, per stessa ammissione dei promotori della nuova linea, in continua diminuzione, specialmente quello passante attraverso il traforo del Frejus e quindi la TAV resterebbe sottoutilizzata. La diminuzione del traffico non sarebbe imputabile alla presenza sulla linea di lunghi tratti a binario unico, dovuti ai lavori di ampliamento eseguiti nelle gallerie, perché iniziati precedentemente. Gli studi ufficiali del contraente generale, Lyon Turin Ferroviaire, stimano tuttavia una crescita esponenziale e sistematica del traffico per gli anni a venire. I lavori di cantiere durerebbero molti anni e comporterebbero inquinamento acustico e ambientale ai danni degli abitanti della valle. Le montagne valsusine, che in base ai progetti dovranno essere attraversate da gallerie dell'ordine delle decine di chilometri, avrebbero al loro interno ingenti quantità di amianto, uranio (e quindi radon) le quali, durante gli scavi e il trasporto, potrebbero diffondersi sino alla periferia della vicina Torino a causa dei forti venti caratteristici della valle.


"La vergogna non c'è più, quel sentimento che ci suggerisce di provare un turbamento, oppure un senso d'indegnità di fronte alle conseguenze di una nostra azione , che c'induce a chinare il capo, abbassare gli occhi, evitare lo sguardo dell'altro, a farci piccoli e timorosi, sembra scomparso. Oggi la vergogna, ma anche il pudore, suo fratello gemello, non costituisce più un freno al trionfo dell'esibizionismo, al voyeurismo,sia tra la gente comune come tra le classi dirigenti. La perdita di valore della vergogna è contestuale a un altro singolare fenomeno: l'idealizzazione del banale e dell'insignificante. Lo sguardo ammirato di molti non si rivolge più a persone di notevole rilievo morale o intellettuale, bensì a uomini e donne modesti, anonimi ,assolutamente identici all'uomo della strada o alla donna della porta accanto"..."

"The shame is gone, the feeling that prompts us to try a disturbance, or a sense of unworthiness in the face or the consequences of our action, which leads us to hang our heads, lower your eyes, avoid gaze, to make us small and timid, seems to have disappeared. Today, the shame, but also modesty, his twin brother, is no longer an obstacle to the triumph of exhibitionism, to voyeurism, both among ordinary people as between classes leaders. Loss of value of shame is contextual to another unique phenomenon: the idealization of the insignificant and trivial. admiring gaze of many no longer addresses people of outstanding moral or intellectual, but to men and women modest , anonymous and absolutely the same man in the street or the woman next door "...