
Thesis / Blog

Thesis 100 ways to save hip hop (Henry Adaso)

31. Stop saying you're carrying ___ city on your back. That's not even possible. 32. Stop acting too cool for school at concerts. 33. Stop rapping about the same three topics. 34. Stop rapping about UFOs. 35. Stop promoting sexual violence under the guise of hood reportage. 36. Stop defending misogyny. 37. Stop being a Twitter groupie. 38. Stop taking contrarian views for the sake of being different. 39. Stop hating people who disagree with you. 40. Stop dissing Soulja Boy.

Thesis 100 ways to save hip hop (Henry Adaso)

21. Stop whining about how much you miss the Golden Age of hip-hop. 22. Stop cluttering albums with corny skits. You're not Prince Paul. 23. Support creativity with your wallet. 24. Stop making 20-song albums with 90% filler. 25. Stop faking the funk. 26. Stop calling people who disagree with you "haters." 27. Stop hating. 28. Stop kissing ass for favors. 29. Stop saying you miss "real" hip-hop. 30. Stop hating Jay-Z.

Thesis 100 ways to save hip hop (Henry Adaso)

11. More battles, less beef. 12. Stop biting Jay-Z's flow. 13. Stop biting Biggie's ad libs. 14. Stop putting weed carriers on your album. 15. Stop trying to please everyone. 16. Stop leaking entire albums song by song. 17. Stop making posthumous collaborations. 18. Stop getting arrested for dumb things. 19. Stop being homophobic. 20. Stop blaming record labels.

Thesis 100 ways to save hip hop (Henry Adaso)

Every year, critics get together and hold a premature funeral for hip-hop. Then, people like me are forced to write articles on why hip-hop is grossly misunderstood by mainstream America. Well, guess what? I'm tired of defending hip-hop. So, rather than defend it endlessly or declare it dead, I compiled a list of things you can do to help save the genre. These suggestions apply to artists, DJs, journalists, record labels, and fans. Pick the ones that apply to you and behave accordingly. Here are 100 things you can do to save hip-hop.

1.Stop playing the same 5 songs on the radio. 2.Stop listening to radio stations that play the same 5 songs. 3.Stop blaming Diddy. 4.Stop Diddy. 5.Stop dubbing every new jack "the next great" this and that. 6.Stop charging body parts for shows. 7.Stop fabricating feuds to sell records. 8.Stop putting Lil Wayne on every song. 9.Stop saying hip-hop is dead. 10.Stop hating Kanye for being weird.


"New Mixtape coming soon "Poison Ivy" 2013 any local Artist down for the cause contact me on Facebook or via email Thesisthemessenger@gmail.com, Follow The Buzzz!!!!"


"You are merciful... when you forgive in others the faults you condemn in yourself."


"It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it. The purpose of oppression is oppression therefore I prep myself more so on embracing the struggle and in the face of adversity rise to liberty!"


New Mixtape coming soon "Poison Ivy" 2013 any local Artist down for the cause contact me on Facebook or via email Thesisthemessenger@gmail.com, Follow The Buzzz!!!!


"Creativity starts with a little touch of insanity and culminates with the highest trust on its beauty, but throughout it maintains the hands of originality and humanity."


New Mixtape coming soon "Poison Ivy" 2013 any local Artist down for the cause contact me on Facebook or via email Thesisthemessenger@gmail.com, Follow The Buzzz!!!!