
The Puncheons / Blog

The Puncheons

John Ryan, lead singer, song-writer and guitarist, is originally from Corner Brook, now living in Lodge Bay, South Eastern Labrador. He has performed as a solo artist for many years, including at the Battle Harbour National Historic Site in Labrador.

Dale Kennedy, song-writer, backing vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, has played in numerous bands of different genres through the years, and is from Bird Cove, Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland. They have been playing together for the past three years. Rompin' 'n' Stompin' is their first CD as The Puncheons.

The enjoyment of jamming on Newfoundland Labrador traditional songs is what brought them together, and as long as they enjoy the music and musical performances, they plan to continue to record and do live performances.

Their second CD is scheduled for release sometime in late 2013 or early- 2014.