
Graham Moseley Brown / Blog

Please check out our KickStarter Campaign

"To the Brink" after 14 months, help us push our new release over the finish line !

“TO THE BRINK” is a twelve song, full-length album – over a year in the making, over many miles & zip codes traveled, and executed by us with a little help from our friends who are amongst other things: musicians, videographers, engineers, artists, radio DJs, promoters, supporters, fans, friends, family, and just all around plain awesome individuals! These folks have offered their creative involvement at a reduced rate or just for the enjoyment of it. They’ve helped us promote by playing our songs on the radio, sharing links and posting statuses of upcoming shows and YouTube videos on their FaceBooks and Twitters. They’ve supported us by coming out to shows and bringing all their friends too! These folks are our team. And we hope you’ll join our team too!

Not everyone knows this, but it’s tougher these days to produce and market thoughtful and meaningful music for all musicians everywhere. Maybe that’s part of the reason you’ve heard the same old song on the radio for the 4th time this hour. Maybe it’s why some people think no one makes good music anymore (not the case, perhaps just harder to find). Whatever the case, “To The Brink” is music we are really proud of and passionate about, but WE need YOUR help!

We’ve raised and invested over ten thousand dollars in this album, and it’s nearly complete! However, we’ve reached the limit of where we can get on our own. Kickstarter is a fundraising medium for the arts. We heard about it from some of our friends who’ve had success raising money for their various projects thanks to people like you; who got cool rewards for donating while also BEING APART of creating something.

We are very close to completing this project and with your help we will produce something many can enjoy and we are all apart of making. Please check below for the various donation levels and the corresponding goodies package you’ll receive for becoming part of the team. Every donation big or small gets us to our goal, every donation is IMPORTANT! Your donation will help us MIX, MASTER, & REPRODUCE the album. It will allow us to make a MUSIC VIDEO, to fund TOURING and MARKETING, and buy cardigans for Josh (just kidding!). Thank you so much for being a part of this great project. We look forward to accomplishing our goals and sharing that accomplishment with YOU!


To The Brink release news...

Stop by and listen, download and share "Run Away Train" and "Cruel Cold Heartless" from GMB's upcoming release "To The Brink" due March 26, 2013 on Bandcamp. http://damiancreative.bandcamp.com