
Ultrea / Blog

Ultrea going underground!

Hey all, We want to thank everyone who cam out to see us at the frequency last thursday night, we had such a good time playing and hanging out with everyone. That was our last electric show for the year. But dont worry you have not seen the last of us. We are currently working on the full length album. We are hoping to release it and start promoting it in the spring. Tonight we are getting together for an Ultrea dinner and planning. We can't wait to bring some fresh material that we, our families, and Madison can be proud of. Stay Tuned to hear about our writing/recording shenanigans and videos. As always thank your for your continued support, and ALWAYS PERSEVERE!!! ~Jen PS to invest in Ultrea please contact us!!!

Ultrea Update!

Ultrea would like to congratulate Mr. and Mrs Chris Papp! Married this weekend at Rev Jim's. We were honored to play a very special unplugged set for their nuptuals as well as some of their favorite covers. We are Excited to announce that our EP "Always Perservere" is now available on all major retail sites. Also we have a ton of upcoming shows. Hope you can catch us! We will be recording our full length album exclusivly starting in November, and are looking forward to sharing it with the masses spring/summer 2013. Stay tuned for more DERP! Thank you for your never ending love and support! ~Jen

Jason Wepking
Jason Wepking  (over 11 years ago)


Janesville Experience

What's Up Ultrea fans? We had a hell of a night last night down in Janesvegas. It started as your typical evening with load in. We talked with some of the other bands .(Falling From Fiction, Divided, Two Dollar Grey) Then we got our set underway. Guitarist Jes rocked "Hollow Lies" so hard that he litterally rocked himself off his feet! Without skipping a beat he finished the song from the stage floor. High Five! This was another opening show for us, I figure there was around 50 people or so that were there. (and paying attention) The Back Bar hooked us up with some pizzas after our set which was really cool of them. This Bar is amazing the stage area is about the same size of the bar area so if you havn't seen a show down there I hightly reccomend it. (the bartenders are heavy handed on the booze too) The "fun" however, came long after we left the stage. A long time friend of Jason's (Jdog) ended up rolling her ankle like no one has rolled an ankle before. As she was being taken to the hospital Jason and Greg were the unfortunate recievers of a flat tire on their vehicle. But I want to thank their lucky stars for that flat tire because when we went to go change it we discovered that the wheel was actually one wrong turn from completely falling off. If they had made it to the Interstate we would have been playing a memorial service tonight :( A, Labor Day Weekend, friendly tow was called, but our gear was imprisoned in the car until today. It just goes to show that life can turn on a dime. You have no choice but to take the bad with the good, count your blessings, and Always Perservere! "We will not waiver, we will not faulture" Come check out our redemption show tonight in Portage at Big Willy's doors open at 4pm. ~Jen

Helllllooooooo Ultrea fans!

Jen here, bear with me as I am a first time blogger. Quick update on what has taken place so far. We started playing together in March of this year. Writting has been going pretty flawlessly and we are currently performing a 30min live set. We have an AMAZING fan base that we hope will keep growing. We are all so appreciative of the support and can't thank you all enough. Last week Sunday we were the Featured Artist on 94.1 wjjo Radio here in Madison, WI. Jason, Jess, Chris, Greg, and I were all down at the studio to debut our EP. Wow that was an amazing feeling! It was so nice to talk with Kurt about the local madison music scene, and how we plan to be a part of it. Last Tuesday we played our biggest show to date at the Majestic Theatre, Downtown Madison with IN THIS MOMENT!!!! there was a great turn out and I think we were very well recieved. It's hard to be the opening band, but I think we did a great job of warming up the crowd. I saw a lot of heads bobbing and as far as I'm concerned, that's a victory. We took this oppertunity to release our EP to the public. We had an overwhelming response from the fans. We sold around 50 EP's!!! This week is full of radio interviews leading up to two more shows this weekend. Listen for Chris "Muttons" Swenson on THE HOG 105.9 FM today! and Well be meeting up with Max Ink Radio tonight, you can listen online. Thank you again for your continued support! Always Perservere ~Jen

This Fall

Welcome everyone!

Just letting the world know, after our current show schedule is complete we will be going to into the Studio to track our full length album. Here's a preview to show what's to come!

Much Love,

Ultrea CS

we're here

We're here Look out Wisconsin