
Corners of Sanctuary / Blog

C.O.S. EP Online

Hey Everyone! Look for the C.O.S. "Forgotten Hero" CD at the these online music outlets: iTunes Mexico, VerveLife, Rhapsody, Zune, MediaNet, Amazon MP3, Spotify, Google Play, iTunes U.S., iTunes Latin America (incl. Brazil), iTunes Australia/N.Z., iTunes Canada, Nokia, eMusic, iTunes UK/European Union, iTunes Japan!

Bonus Track on EP

Hey Everyone! A bonus track will be included on the upcoming C.O.S. EP. The EP releases this Friday, March 30, 2012 under March Baby Media! \m/

C.O.S. Follw Up CD!

Hey Everyone! With less than a week away from the release of Corners of Sanctuary's first CD, Forgotten Hero, - Friday, March 30, 2012 - the band has already begun recording tracks for their follow up CD. Yet to be titled, the CD will contain more hard-hitting, head-banging metal C.O.S. is known for. Look for the follow up CD to be released in late June 2012! Metal has Returned! \m/

The EP is Coming...

Hey Everyone! Our first official release, Forgotten Hero, is now currently in replication and we are on target for our March 30, 2012 release! We hope to have a video in production soon after. Thanks for your support \m/

Up Coming CD Release

Hey Everyone! Thanks for checking us out. Our new EP, Forgotten Hero, is scheduled to release Friday, March 30, 2012. The online release is scheduled to go live Friday, March 23, 2012 worldwide - inlcuding iTunes, Zune, EMusic, Rhapsody, Amazon, Google Music and so many more. Check out some short preview clips of the inlcuded tracks here on Rebernation! Metal has Returned!