
Larry Insana / Blog

09-04-12- My Morning Thoughts:

09-04-12- My Morning Thoughts: Do married men really have “Selective Hearing”, let’s take a further look into this…It appears when I’m watching TV and the wife says Larry, Larry, LARRY! (as the pillow to the face finally gets my attention)…Now don’t get me wrong we have great communication when I’m on the planet but there has been a time or two when I’m back in space a little too long. Its seems I can hear fine when she says would you like a bowl of ice cream or lets go to be, but things like; can you do the dishes or vacuum the house get a little lost once in a while through the translation somewhere. In my defense, I have worked construction for many years and I have played and listen to Rock-n-roll way to loud so I do have somewhat of an excuse…I think? I’m hopeful other husbands out there can relate to this phenomenon my wife calls “Selective Hearing”…otherwise I’m in big trouble after my wife reads this morning thoughts and realizes I’m the only one with this defect!…plain and simple.

08-31-12- My Morning Thoughts:

08-31-12- My Morning Thoughts: I’ve lived during some major events in my day: landing on the moon, the ending of the cold war, rock-n-roll, stereo, TV’s in just about every room, free love, TV dinners, families with two cars, remote control everything, fast everything, and throw away everything…some wonderful things and some things not so wonderful. I’m still hopeful that I can add peace across the world to the list…I set my hopes a little high sometimes though some dreams do become reality…have a great weekend everyone and don’t be afraid to complement someone…it just might make there day…and yours too…plain and simple.

08-30-12- My Morning Thoughts:

08-30-12- My Morning Thoughts: Did you know that the FOX cable news program (the most liberal news BTW LOL!) has donated almost 20 times more to the democrat party than the republican party…now that’s weird that the majority owner worth like 8 billion has the number 1 news cable show with a conservative swing would donate his “FOX” money that way…I’m sure he donates anywhere there’s money to be made back tenfold…money has no political favorite…if larger mountains of money can be made by the moguls then it’s just made…usually on the behest of our proverbial backs …plain and simple.

08-29-12- My Morning Thoughts:

08-29-12- My Morning Thoughts: I would say I’m a positive type guy more than not and I try and see the good in people first. Sometimes it’s difficult but usually it’s doable. My problems arise when I reply to bad things or unjust things and I open my mouth a little wider at times than I probably should and let it out. In my youth it might have caused an argument or a fight but now you never know what’s coming at you next when you try and correct a wrong! On occasion my wife has been a little worried when these types of things happen but what’s fair is fair and if everyone stays dormant who will be left to defend the truth? Now don’t take this the wrong way because I’m absolutely not giving anyone justification for harming anyone or anything like that at all…though I will say…if we don’t stand against the unappreciative unlawful mongrels that wish us harm we may not get a second chance…if you see someone in need for any reason help them…if all you can do is call 911 then do it…my concern is for those that follow us on this planet and those here that wish to live together in some sort a harmonic way…plain and simple.

08-28-12- My Morning Thoughts:

08-28-12- My Morning Thoughts: Morning guys…here’s what’s happing…I will be starting a new album (CD) project on September 5th. Too many songs is a good thing except when it comes to picking which ones to record!…I was thinking of putting like short DEMO videos of songs on my reverbnation.com website and have YOU pick the ones you feel I should record…you pick-em and I’ll play-em…let me know what ya think?…NEED YOUR MORNIG THOUGHTS ON THIS ONE TODAY…BTW, if anyone was planning on downloading any of my previous songs for 99 cents now would be the time…monies go back into studio recording and I know you all think I’m a big star now cause I played at Blossom…LOL… but I don’t make money like Elvis I just like making music for those that want to hear it!…need to hear your comments on this one…plain and simple.

08-27-12- My Morning Thoughts:

08-27-12- My Morning Thoughts: When I was a kid I don’t remember swearing as much as they do today. Ya we swore at each other (kids) but we kept it cool around the older folks mostly because they’d knock your head off if they heard us. I remember the first time my father heard me swear at my sister…well I remember cause my sister told me after I regained consciousness…didn’t swear in front of my mom and dad for years and years after that…plain and simple.

08-24-12- My Morning Thoughts:

08-24-12- My Morning Thoughts: Man I can’t stop thinking about this very important thing I had to do today. I thought about it all day yesterday and it kept me up half the night too…my problem is, I don’t remember what it was, but I know it was important…can anyone help a brother out and think of what I forgot?…well anyway, everyone have a fantastic wonderful weekend…plain and simple.

08-23-12- My Morning Thoughts:

08-23-12- My Morning Thoughts: Well I finally have a way to get into the MASTERS…yes, they’re allowing women to join the most prestigious golf club in the world after like 80 years…sex change here I come…plain and simple.

08-22-12- My Morning Thoughts:

08-22-12- My Morning Thoughts: By the time I was 12 years old I made money…mowing lawns, shoveling snow, cleaning gutters, laboring for a brick layer, delivering newspapers, babysitting, selling stolen Duncan yo yo’s ( I didn’t steal), painting trim on houses and striping woodwork with some chemical that made me sick. I did all this junk without political knowledge of any party or president at the time…I just did it cause I wanted to make some money to buy things for me, my family, and my friend’s…it was some great times and I will never forget them…many of my friends did the same goings-on and we competed on several of these activities to get something more than we had…I believe it help to make who I became and who I was at the time…did I still have fun?...YES!...did I still have a childhood?...YES…did I still feel the greatness of youth?...YES…would I have loved to be Ty Cob or Jessie Owens or Frances We-met or Jim Thorp…YES!…but I would not have changed those times, those friend’s, those moments for anything…NOT FOR THE WORLD…plain and simple.

08-21-12- My Morning Thoughts:

08-21-12- My Morning Thoughts: Starting a new CD in September and here’s an excerpt from one of the songs that might make the list…”Let the rain fall where it may cause I don’t really care as long as you here. Cause it’s always a sun shiny day when you look at me and you make me see…that flowers can grow on the dark side of town and people can live without knocking each other down and love can be made without fooling around…And I thank God each day for you. I thank God each day for the kids and the way they play…and I thank God each night for a gentle lullaby…but most of all for picking me up hey when I fall and oh oh thank you”…can’t wait to put the music to it…plain and simple.