
Larry Insana / Blog

05-07-12-My Morning Thoughts

05-07-12-My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Fire flies in the back yard, neighbors’ always coming over and sharing a cook out on a hot summer night…what happen? Where did it all go? How did we drop the ball on this? I realize we aint a Hallmark Card or a Norman Rockwell painting but how did it slowly drift away and get to this point? How is it that people have so many opportunities to make friendships yet are content without conscious thought of being friendly! Are the differences so great that we’ve finally split the seed?....well I believe in me and I believe in you and I believe in us finding our way through all this apprehensive erroneous flawed non-correct media brainwashed designed status quo…we can get this back on the right track by starting with a casual how are you or a heartfelt hello…ok, I’m going try it…hello neighbor…plain and simple.

05-04-12- My Morning Thoughts

05-04-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly I played sports as a youth not because I was going to make millions of dollars someday but because I like to play sports. Is the picture today a little skewed? Athletes making million dollar checks and teachers making about half a million dollars in a career if their lucky! Now I got nothing against making money but how do we justify the people holding our children’s collective fate in their chalked filled hands on the short end of the stick? A teacher has mountains of BS to clime these days just to try to get a curriculum completed every year. Not to mention doing it with their hands tied without discipline capabilities and unruly parents challenging every inconsequential infraction that may arise. Now I wasn’t……let’s say…….the best student…….but I did have one thing going for me……a foundation of respect. Maybe not right from the start but I did learn it eventually…if you know a teacher how bout giving them a little “nice job” or “have a great day” when you see them…plain and simple.

Stone  (over 12 years ago)

Good stuff here Larry! 45% of all who enter the field leave it within the first five years. In the large majority of cases they do it for better earnings. How do we expect to raise the best and the brightest with an education system that sadly ranks a paltry "28th" in the world?

05-03-12-My Morning Thoughts

05-03-12-My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly I have one solo thought today…let’s be a little better than we were yesterday…plain and simple.

05-02-12- My Morning Thoughts: 10% Tax!

05-02-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly If we took ‘all’ the money (not just tax money) from all the millionaires and billionaires in this country and put it on the deficit we would still be 13 trillion in debt!...if they tax just the millionaires and up……you know what I’m not going there, never mind……it’s so easy….one page tax form, NO LOOP HOLES….just pay your 10% and be done with it!!!...plain and simple.

Dave Jackson
Dave Jackson  (over 12 years ago)

How about a Constitutional ammendment abolishing all sales taxes(Gas, cigs., EVERYTHING.) Then a 17% flat tax. 10% to the feds, 5% to the state, 2% for local. That's it-that's all they get-FOREVER. Make due with what you have, like the rest of us have to.

Individual Responsibility

05-01-12- My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly How many of us would keep our jobs if we frequently said one thing but our actions didn’t follow our words? How many times have we heard politicians promise one thing but offer a new and improved version when elected that completely contradicts the original? Do we ever hold the elected officials up to their promises as we the people are supposed to……yes we can vote some out but are the replacements so drastically different that it all magically transforms to utopia….I think not! I believe the only long term effect change is individual responsibility. If we are responsible then it should trickle down to the next generation and so on until everyone realizes what works…being responsible citizens…its hard work, but it works! At that magical point in my mystical utopian society and naïve-ness, guess what? Every candidate would have been raised with morals, values, compassion and the knowledge to lead and when they spoke we might listen…I’m just wondering that when “facts” are stated and proven if some would still argue the point anyway…unfortunately I think I know that answer already…plain and simple.

04-30-12 My Morning Thoughts: Character

04-30-12-My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly Why some people are so infatuated with the outer shell I’ll never know. Isn’t it what’s on the inside that counts? It is so tiresome to see these half starved women modeling cloths that not even the 1 per centers could adorn! What is the problem! Are people not happy with what they have, who they are, what they aspire to be? Isn’t it hard enough on the planet just trying to fit into society? Do the ample really think we “all” want women to look like this! Could this be more harming than good or at minimum a self-esteem eliminator? How is character built with these expectations? Be who you are not what someone else thinks you should be. I’m cool with my girl in jeans and a t-shirt, gota go to a wedding, ok nicer jeans and a nicer t-shirt! Its heart and soul that helps build character and unless they’ve changed that…it starts from within!!!...plain and simple.

04-27-12 My Morning Thoughts

Today I wish to reflect on those that have come before me and in doing so they have made me better than, I believe, I would have been. You know we rush around in this life so much, sometimes we forget to remember where we come from and those who were instrumental getting us to this point. Grandparents, parents, big brothers and sisters, old friends of the family we called aunt and uncle even though they were not related, old neighbors that complained when the ball went in their yard…ya we didn’t think it at the time but the good and bad all count for something…so many I would give almost anything for five minutes with once again, even if it’s just hearing them yell at me for doing something stupid! Today I’m taking the time to say THANK YOU for being you and mentoring me and THANK YOU for sharing part of you that continues on through me…plain and simple… twitter me@larryinsana23

Larry Insana “the music and the madness”

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