
Soulful Echoes / Blog

To be used by the Creator....

Today I brought my music to children from grades 1-8 at Crooked Creek Park, in Chapin, SC. The children kept asking me to play this flute, to play that flute. How much did they costs? What is the oldest one? They all wanted me to play the Contra Bass F# because it was the biggest one. I played a small river cane flute gifted to me (not tuned) gave the sweetest sound and I saw it touch the soul of Warrior Woman With Bright Eyes. Laura sat on the side and children blew into the flutes and Laura did the fingering. We had extra time with the last group and they wanted song after song. I hope that the soft echoes of the flute ease their minds and I know they will remember. The group I am part of, Circle of Native Americans were blessed to share the Native Culture with about 100 students. To be used by Creator is Awesome!

Merrick Music

We want to thank all that have encouraged us and have become fans and friends. We want to thank Becky and Terry who have donated to our studio costs. Look for our next steps for this great journey. Many blessings! From Merrick Music: Looking forward to working on Soulful Echoes Adrian Bailey new CD release in just a few days!

Need a couple of flute for Veterans with PTSD

We just received a phone call from a lady we are going to be working with at our local hospital to be able to play with their group of volunteers. The more Laura talked to her, the more they had in common. This lady host healing seminars for Veterans who suffer from PTSD. I know that some veterans pick up the flute and it there healing instrument. I am reaching out to the flute makers to see if they would like to donate some inexpensive flutes to these veterans. Flute players might have flutes they no longer use, please pray on this. Contact me with any questions or thoughts. Love and blessings.

Question Asked

I was asked how I got started playing at Hospice? Answer: It all started when my Father-in -Law was in their for about one week. He asked my wife and I to stay with him and not leave him. We respected his wishes and only left to shower and get food to bring back. We slept there as well. I started playing there as a form of relaxation, as well as comfort to him. Little did I know that I had drawn a crowd of people at the doorway. The nurses as well as some of the family visitors of other rooms. I went out in the hallway to talk to them and they said please play more we like it. So from that time on I have gone back to play. The Chaplain has asked me to play at other events as well.

Getting Ready

This Friday and Saturday I will be away record my new CD. This is something that I have been looking forward to doing ever since April when I first started this project. I am looking forward to getting started on a new CD once I finish this one.

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, such an appropriate song for a day many of us set aside for worship. As many of us worship daily, it is also a beautiful song that transcends the glory of our creator. My band is called Soulful Echoes as it is a reflection of my soul and I hope it echoes into yours. My wish for you my friends is to find peace and serenity within. I hope you will join us on our journey.

Do you really, really, want me to tell you how??

Do you want a free copy of my CD Journey's in Sedona with the songs you have been enjoying plus many more??? Do you really, really, want me to tell you how?? Today I am number11 in Global rank thanks to my many friends. That is so Humbling and Awesome, Exciting, and FANtabulous! I want to thank my FANS, so become a fan on Reverbnation.com and #55 receives an autographed CD of Journey's in Sedona !!!

Prayer is Needed

Flight of the Eagles - it reminds me that the Eagle carries messages to Creator. Gentle Bear, Chief Harold Spires is needing prayers. Please send your prayers and let the Eagle carry them, or if you smudge, let the smoke carry the prayers to our Creator. Pray for others that are in need also, we are all connected. Aho

Go with Peace

Good Morning to All, off to work. Laura is at home looking for pow wows for us to play at or other events. We are just starting out so any help, advice would be welcomed. Go with Peace. Peacefulness is what our music is about, helping one to obtain peace and serenity in busy lives. It is like "stop to smell the roses" but in another sensory, our hearing. Stop and hear the Soulful Echoes of the heart and soul. You all are our inspirations.

One Week

Just one more week to go !! Then it is off to the studio. Now I am getting excited.!!!!