
D.L. Yancey II / Blog

Leadership in Diveristy and Inclusion Blog #1

D.L. Yancey’s Diversity and Inclusion Blog #1

Can I take a moment to have a brief moment of honesty about my Diversity and Inclusion journey? For the last year or so I was experiencing a “leadership plateau” in my role as a D&I champion and council member. Mostly because I was beginning to feel as if it was a role to remind grown adults of how to “play fairly in the same sandbox”. I mean really….? Why can’t professionals comprehend what Ghandi meant by “leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people”? Then I realized we’re human, and I was humbled by Gandhi’s statement “satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory”.

I began to look at my efforts over the last 4 years of D&I service and as I approached T-1 year, I began to look like a real slouch. We have experienced some growth as a result of our efforts, I was exposed to some great opportunities, and I’m now set off into a new leadership career path. It’s easy to conclude that I’ve been fortunate “to attain” career benefits from my D&I involvement. But it took some personal reflection and self-accountability to conclude that my “leadership plateau” was a direct result of my satisfaction in attainment.

Complacency is a spiritual cancer that counter acts putting your faith into action (that’s a direct quote by the way…lol). I was reminded by personal life circumstances of why I initially desired to get involved with D&I. My faith teaches me that God has a way of humbling you, not to kill your confidence; but to thin off the bad paint that life experiences can taint you with, and to then place a fresh bright coat on your surface. That’s when it hit me! We as human beings are used to life painting on us and we become walking murals of what we’ve experienced. Therefore, we tend to give off what we’ve gone through, and that picture can create nightmares for those we encounter.

My faith allows me to believe The Creator can re-create my perspective of “life’s art show” and then empower me to transfer that perspective to those I encounter. I believe, when this happens, the sandbox becomes a fun productive environment where perspectives are shared, broadened, and the entire group experiences a supernatural growth.

So, for me, I’m no longer looking for attainment but looking for ways to paint pictures and encourage others to do the same. Please like and share, as this the start of a Full Effort.



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