
X.NAME's / Blog

Looking to Start a New Band / Project

Have left The Sabbath Years as these guys have no ambition just want to do things as a hobby, and like a load of spoilt kids, (ie) That's Mine and U cant use mine..so why have it...why in a band ..4 F....Sake


Hi.. 2016 coming soon..got way laid in some other stuff .. so wont be long ... Have a great pancake day ....Shrove Tuesday in UK.. Regards Xs


The Question : Whats it about Well in short its a 3 part song about The Answer :Being young with no Cares in the world.. then it changes to having responsibilities and caring etc etc..that's the gist of the song...


1st 40 seconds uploaded ..full song / video coming soon.. Regards X.NAME's

Once Upon A Time ..Song

Hi..I have been asked how this came about..well it was after a bottle of red wine and picking up a story book and it just happened I suppose.. Regards


Thanks 4 all the comments ..really glad it is hitting the spots.. regards X.NAME's

T41 Led Zeppelin cover version

Hi.. one of my favourite songs ..thanks 4 the response received for my cover ..its a great song and really hits the spot.. Thanks again.. regards X.NAME's

Tickets Please

Thanks 4 the response ..really great and much appreciated...

Guy Fawkes

A great thank you..to all those that supplied the bangs and colour flashes and the red wine... Many many thanks. regards X.NAME's

Florence - Pisa & Lucca Comic & Game Festival

Hi.. Got back from Italy @ week-end been to Italy to these great places that really inspired me..so much that came back with 6 new song possible' s.. Lucca Fest was just a Blast all these guys & dolls take the stuff really seriously and some of them are just freaky ..came across a load of zombies when passing TWD stand..but what a great time..wasn't there 4 Saturday night Halloween mores the pity..bet it was just outrageous.. Will talk soon .. Regards X.NAME's