
Tony Cardo / Blog



Played and danced remembrance Waded waters deep No call too far was answered Companion, wake or sleep.

The need is ever greater and the answers shine so clear For no matter what I do or say, Companion ever near.

Doorway ever opened Stillness as my friend Solid place of gratitude Mine, until the blissful blend.

Up and Away with Original Music

Sometimes my life feels like a miracle, when everything is falling into place. Sometimes when I try and I am giving it my best, I love the smile that shows up on my face. I am tired of a life of trial and error, When I remember who I am, I'm good to go. And I like writing songs on a Saturday. Songs that make me smile and make me grow.


My favorite part of creating a new song is the silence before the beginning. We listen first, and then communicate what we hear before the first note is played.

Thank you!

As we are all guided to the optimal circumstances to enrich our lives, it is awesome to be connected with you! Happy New Year! - Tony

More Music

I am back in the studio working on a new song called "Wide Awake", and we are adding additional tracks to "Melody". Stay tuned...

Living a Centered Life

We might as well go deeper...

Generosity and Reward

Thoughts are powerful forces, and our messages are both given and received.

Treat you self to a few "goodies", buy something delicious to eat... spend a few dollars. You need to retreat in order to balance all the work you have been doing. Remember, the more you allow yourself to receive, the more you have available to give to others. Indulge yourself - the more you have to give to others, the more you cultivate the ability to receive.

This is a hard time we are living in. Every time you read a newspaper or listen to the news; you talk to a neighbor, friend, loved ones, you may be hearing about challenges.. you can make your list - it goes on and on.... All challenges are not the same, but especially in these times, we are all facing challenges on many levels. The cycle of giving and receiving is our answer for this weekend.. give something of ourselves, even a kind word, or a thought, and you position yourself for a better experience

Let's all see and feel the experience of giving and receiving!