
The TuneFarmers / Blog

Happy Times!

The Jamestown Merchantile "Choir" was in great voice last night at the Open Jovan open Mic night. They have the highest density of good musicians per square mile in my experience. (so far...)

Midwinter glow....

Ok, today's the day after.....the Midwinter Bluegrass Festival. I have not found anything in life that takes a group of strangers and turns them into friends faster than a Bluegrass Festival. I am so excited to go up to Jamestown tonight for the Open Jovan open mic at the Mercantile! Thanks to all the wonderful people who played,sang or just closed their eyes and enjoyed the moment!

Midwinter Bluegrass Festival!!

Thanks to Ken Seaman for putting on a WONDERFULL event year after year. What a blessing. The Tunefarmer will be playing til he can't play no more!

Go Jamestown!

Everyone send your love and support to Jamestown CO as they recover from the floods of last year! The Mercantile is open now and you can help by supporting their business!

The TuneFarmer Blog?

I guess everyone must blog on at some point! Here I go......