
Rick Crouse / Blog

Natural Highs

The response in the last few days by some extremely talented musicians around the country has been inspiring and a bit stunning. I'm not used to anybody other than friends having any opnions on my music and it is wonderful to gain both fans and comments. I've posted a few old (wow, 12 years now!) recordings off of my first CD/EP "The Colorado Sessions." Hope you all enjoy! Happy Mother's Day to everyone! :)

Belief in yourself

Hi everybody! Things are crazy busy here and it's great! As a perfectionist I find I never have a recording good enough to post. I've posted a few things obviously despite that fact and the response of support lately has been emensely positive! Thank you all so much! It's the push I need to keep doing what I do. Yes, I do it for myself and no one else, but it is still nice to have people actually LIKE it. Again, THANK YOU ALL!

Patience and the Art of Recording with it (or Without)

Getting some recordings up and posted has been nice. I always feel like they could be better though. Am I too much of a perfectionist? Nothing I've ever done is perfect so I should just let it go by now. Still, it is a constantly frustrating process! Hope you all enjoy. Comments and feedback (good and bad) is more than welcome!