
Soul Thomas Evans / Blog

Even though the journey is the destination,

if you live a healthier and more conscientious life you'll have a longer and happier journey to that destination

A Person that Knows Everything

Cannot Learn Anything New.

Always be a little kinder than you feel.

From Taalam Acey's Instagram page.


You've got to learn your instrument.

Then, you practice, practice, practice, And then, when you finally get up there on the bandstand, forget all that and just wail.

Charlie Parker

Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical;

don't edit you own soul according to the fashion.

Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.

Franz Kafka

Hard Work

Hard work pays off.

I am so annoyed at my father for being right about that.

Lea Dunham

Yelling (For my friends and family who encourage me to write)


Yelling is emotional tyranny according to the first result I got when doing a search for its' meaning and right after yelling at my lover.

Yelling and Lover

Don't mix unless it's the kind of yelling that we see on good porn and even then that's really moaning.

The Lifehack.org site says that everybody yells and even though we live in the county that has the highest density in the whole country at 66,640 people per square mile there are times like tonight where I know that’s just me looking for another poor excuse for my yelling.

Crazy how we yell the most at those we profess to love but somehow can hold it in against those who are strangers and bump up against us in the wrong way whether physically or emotionally because we don't want to accelerate a situation to one of violence.

Mark Twain said, “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."

Anger and yelling are learned as I used to think it was more genetic but I realize even more now that in my opinion it is learned.

It’s a form of intimidation as just now one of our cats, Gus (who is a big boy at 17 pounds) has come onto our bed and sat down intentionally next to me in bed and it reminds me of those stress balls that became popular in the 80s (as was coincidentally Pet Rocks).

As I squeeze his neck with the frustration I’d verbally thrown at my girlfriend less than an hour earlier I acknowledge and see from his purring how much my stress which was negative in the way it was conveyed at my partner can be transferred and applied in a kneading fashion into Gus’s neck.

You see One’ Man’s Trash is another Cat’s Treasure

For tonight that is the short term answer whereas the long term answer is we need to get back to counseling which we got off a bit in the recent move where I thought things had been so good lately but you realize when you live in a 975 square foot that you’re paying $651.28 cents per square foot to borrow to live in and that with the up to five beings total living in it (with 2 cats here all the time and my daughter here every other weekend) that though the show Tiny House Nation states that the people living in those 380 square foot spaces actually get along better because they have too I realize that therapy and us being on the same side in solving our issues is predictive and preventive maintenance.

Because therapy in relation to the iceberg theory will help reduce that tension and help bring down the yelling which if not addressed is really just exposing the iceberg underneath the surface when we yell that’s revealed when we feel like we're not being listened too.

S Thomas Evans 09.06.2020

Today I moved into my Apt in Manhattan and I'm lucky, fortunate & blessed

I was in my senior year of high school voted most original.

Well that was a blessing and a curse I can say in hindsight or just being a little weird as probably a result of my DNA and going through what I did growing up.

But while so many are leaving this island me and my brood are moving in and like Jerry Seinfeld said recently NYC is far from dead.

I feel alive and like me Beryl and Chloe are in the apt that we will die in one day and that's pretty satisfying.

The cats love their new windows and I loved and almost cried a little walking down my street and just seeing the night light up the sky almost psychologically pinching myself realizing though I'm far from owning my place in what I consider the center of the universe I have a toehold.

For that I'm eternally grateful and for tonight that's a mic drop for all the crap that I've gone through in my life to get here.

But I'm here and if there's no such thing as an after life then I'm as Carlos Robson once said in a poem, I'm going ride this till the wheels fall off.

Thank you higher power for looking out for me because so many other times I could have permanently be dead, or wrongfully in prison, or a vegetable at this point and so for those reasons alone I'm grateful to get up every day on my birthday which is 5:18 AM and though that may seem unhealthy for some it is to me a tribute to how much I'm looking at what I have left on this planet as a life I plan to enjoy and experience as fully as I can.

The Rain Poem (Written with Chloe after the Storm that hit Manhattan on 7.22.20)

The rain came down in buckets The lightening lit up like rockets & we were scared In fact we said a prayer as I saw her flash fear at nine, needing this torrent to end so we could suspend our uncomfortability Drenched yet affirmed in the security of our wet fists united in tandem with our feet purposefully striding Home. S. Thomas W. Evans 7.22.2020

Harvey Swados Papers

Looking forward to checking these out the next time we are up at Amherst this summer. If you are ever at the university you should check them out. 49 Boxes.
