
dubious / Blog

New Album, New Turn

Does anyone care? The answer is a resounding “yes.” The fam, friends, and fans have told us so. Such a revelation! In a world that tends to sweat out its stink like deadly farts under a blanket, I think speak for my band when I aver: we can make a statement. We can get together and forget the shit in our lives and concentrate on the food. And then we can fart our creativity upon a willing populace. Why willing? I don’t believe for one second that this endeavor was escapism. Much the opposite: we faced our lives musically, lyrically, with pride and compassion for each other. How many bands can say that? I’m not trying to say we are better than anyone else – only that we use music for something other than money, fame, or anything selfish. Why does any band keep going and going? There’s tons of work and little reward. So why? Well, what do you see when you blink?

A new cherry: broken

Listen: the tide of original music carries on. It’s the closest thing you can see that you cannot see. It’s in front of your face but it’s the entity most lost and found to you. It’s a group of brothers and sisters grabbing sounds out of the incredible (if not infinite) ether. You only know you enjoy it. It comforts you. It upsets you. It makes you crazy. Or ecstatic. But always, it touches. More than war, hate, or even financial gain. It is the quintessence of what human beings casually call “love.” Who are you to argue? Oregon’s largest city to the North has embraced us for the first time, and we feel empowered. Why not? We may never make millions doing what we do, but for once, we’re enjoying ourselves and each other, unconditionally. In return, you’re enjoying our collective transfer of energy. Listen: share.


sometimes, we sleepwalk.

and our worst fears and loveliest dreams are brought to bear. Does one really need to choose? Perhaps... but I will not do so. Will you? Will you choose your strongest desire over your worst fear? Vice versa? Doesn’t one breed the other? Darkness into light, and whatnot?

Cake has been around for 20 years, and they told OPB something to the effect of: positivity and negativity together are what made us whole. Not a direct quote or I would have used quotes.

sometimes, we sleep. sometimes, we walk. sometimes, we sleepwalk.

what are you gonna do about it?

Listen: listen.

dubious  (about 13 years ago)

i’ll reply to myself.

i’ll listen... if you’ll say something interesting