
The Rebel Prospects / Blog

"Shed This Skin" third demo song of TRP

"Shed This Skin" is a 7 min dark roller coaster that ends on a Blastacular high. See the below link and comment to let us know what you think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBGA2oJD8m8&feature=related .The plan is to turn these sketches into a dead ahead album full of heart, soul and rock n roll. Stay tuned for more R'N R highway traffic updates to Rock'n Roll City.

"No Time to Kill" second song demoed

The second song of three has been posted. Checkout the full sound of "No Time To Kill" on the link below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGKDcXfG0v0 An acoustic performance by TRP's very own Everett Powers was well received last night at the Rockbottom. Thank you Andy Patil for the invite and Phyl La Ferriere for the Sound. Great job all.

"The Fool" Demoed and added to myspace profile

Hi All. Check out a new demoed song added on our myspace profile called "The Fool". on http://www.myspace.com/therebelprospects This is one of 3 songs we have demoed as we gear up to head into the studio to record it on a Blastronomical scale. Stay tuned.....

New Set list & Who Wants to Slap the bass?

Hello all. TRP has had some great rehearsals this week. A new set list that includes 14 tracks to which 3 are TRP putting some stank on covers. Hopefully should have some new bassless song posts with in the next week or two. BASSIST WANTED.

Bassist Wanted and 3 of 5 songs revealed

I folks long time no blog. TRP is still busy in the studio with 3 of 5 demo songs near completion. Songs that are coming soon are The Fool, No Time To Kill and Shed This Skin. Still looking for a bassist to join the band and make the TRP rhythm section complete. BASSIST WANTED. ttyl.

New Songs, New cover and looking for New bassist

It may have been a while since last talk but TRP has not slowed down. TRP is polishing a cover of AC/DC's Long Way To The Top as well as putting the finishing touches on two new originals. The current dynamic (bass less) has pulled the tripod unit of vocals, guitars and drums to a super tight operating unit. If you know someone who would like to rock the bass who has Dedication, Desire and Drive, drop an email to the.rebel.prospects@gmail.com


It has been a busy productive week with a few new song skeletons on the ol' broken screen BB of Mr. Powers'. The Lambone is in full force and spanking drums like they stole his milk money on "Wet Faces". With some new gear entering the studio (and some leaving) brings a new tone and boosts the craving for a wall of sound with a hellish true back beat. And in all foolishness, when is it not a good time to break out a tasty A Capella version of Kumbaya, Huh?. And to that........ Vox to ya'll ladder fellas. - Kross

Recording, practice and visitors

Saturday was a productive day where we started work on our demo. No Time to Kill was the focus of the day and sounded great at the hands of Adam (producer/engineer). Even though the recording process is repetitive I love every minute of it. Last night was practice which we ripped through song after song with lots of steam and an equal amount of laughs. As always some random jams came out with some ridiculous lyrics. As well Viktor the depressed pervert vampire stopped in to visit along with Ranger Bill and Bob Dylan. Until next time, keep blastin' - Kross

......And the Blogging begins

Since I am new to the whole blogging world I will let you know there are gonna be blogs that may have more information than you wish and days that don't even make a whole lotta sense. But TRP wants to know more about our fans and the best thing to do is let you get to know us, or at least me. Stay tuned -KROSS

Say Hello To The Rebel Prospects

Hello from The Rebel Prospects, We want to get to know you. Become a fan of The Rebel Prospects and let us know how you feel about music in your life. We would love you hear from you. Don't be scared say hello.

- Kross