
Daro McKnight / Blog

Simply Peace

I'd like to wish everyone a safe, pleasant, and joyful holiday season. May there be peace especially amongst family and close friends where peace should start. Only then can you share it with others. Let all be fortunate enough to see the New Year and more. "Come grow with me, the best is yet to be." Love you all. Daro Dimon

Dimon Tips

I feel that this holiday season is starting out just right. There are a couple of reason for this. But one that I must mention is Reverbnation. They have help put my music on tap and put me on my toes. The logistical tools are FANtastic. ReNat has help cultivate the seed I planted. Now the growth has begun. Let me add this 'Natural talent or ability without help and education will not raise you to glory'. ReNat helps and educates And I strive to be an "A" student. Schools in.!

Reverbnation participation

One of the good things about Reverbnation is that participating in this keeps you interested and on your toes. There is so much to keep you busy between writing songs. I have gotten more involved in the business end. Reverbnation has educated me and continues to do so. In short I have become even more pro-active and professional. Thank you so much Reverbnation. Daro Dimon